Knee and thigh pads

Hi my kayak needs better protection around the knee and thigh area. Can someone give me suggestion? I though about foam pipe tubing. Any suggestions would be appreciated ty

sheet padding is quality. Prepared surface before mounting.

Search: Amazon minicell foam. Unknown here.

I tried unattached NRS kneepads for a trip down the Rio. Unattached allows pad to mini move with the knee not snub knee when you move which is relatively constant. My knees report best results unattached.

details please
What kayak do you have that needs the padding?

not pipe foam
Pipe foam is not dense enough and will compress, absorb water and eventually disintegrate. You want minicel closed sell foam for kayak mods. I’ve also used pieces sliced from the thicker diameter hard foam “pool noodles”. A serrated steak knife or frozen food knife can be used to trim pieces.

But, as mentioned, their are manufacturers that make premolded parts that can be used to fit out a cockpit.