Knee tubes???
who has installed one in a composite boat???
ease of doing it???
what companies out there are making aftermarket ones???anyone know how well they fit in a tempest???
welding rod tubes
are cheap and waterproof and can be attached with bungies under the deck. Great place for the phone, keys, powerbars, vhf, etc. Of course, these days I keep my pump stored under the deck so the accessories go in the day hatch.
additional storage idea…
Nalgene bottle…If it keeps water in it will keep water out…a key ring biner to clip it to the boat is a good idea, I also use my Nalgene as a knee roll…double duty…
installed 5 of them so far....all in Valley boats. Used Valley knee could always make one using an form or size you like. the Valley ones fit my GSI cook kit very nicely. a pair of binoculars, a GPS, a small towel, a water bottle, a rolling hat, a pair of gloves, and a stocking hat.
very handy.....My radio is always on my PFD...anywhere else and it's useless when needed.
not sure of any aftermarket knee tubes being made.any boat (Glass) can be fitted with one with just about the same ease....just takes a couple of strips of glass and some resin.
whatever knee tube you install, cut its length so that you can still enter the boat with-out it getting in the way.
Best Wishes
Knee tubes…should be in all kayaks.
Think of the space wasted without and the space gained with. I’ve so appreciated the knee tube in the Lincoln Eggemoggin I installed on in the QCC700—but with a flair, I also installed a hatch above the knee tube so you can access the contents without removing the spraydeck. This port and storage is accessible in rough water, can you say that about a day hatch? Probably not. For the QCC I used a knee tube sold for the KajakSport Millenium (or was it the viviene, I cant remember), and I used the KajakSport small hatch for the access on the deck (on Kiwi and Aussie kayaks this is called an emergency hatch or glove box.
On the Q-boat ordered but not yet recieved I requested (paid for) a knee tube…thinking that not only do you add a storage space in a once unused area, you also gain a place to brace the knees against.
It would see that during the construction of a composite boat that adding a knee tube is a simple affair. I will consider adding the ‘emergency hatch’ to the Q-boat after recieving it and determining how accepting the deck is for the hatch…that is see how flat it is. It need not be perfectly flat for this but flatter helps.
i am also leaning towards the knee bracing as well as storage…getting used to that in my surf boat and was thinking that might be a good thing ot have in my long boat as well…
kayaksport making them???have to see if they might be avialable in the us…i am a line into GRO to see if they have any-only across the bay from me…
thanks for the input!