I want to wear my glasses on the outside of my balaclava. I was thinking of glueing strips of velcro by the ears for the glasses and one in back for the strap. Does anyone know of a glue that will bond to the balaclava and backside of velcro and be water proof and still remain flexable? Its a wierd material so it would have to not melt the hood either.
If anyone wears their glasses on the outside of your hood and has a better or similar soluton please feel free to let us know about it!
Thanks – bill
I was going to try an elastic eyeglass band and hope that the helmet will hold it in place.
No helmet
Thanks. But I do cold water touring, no need for a helmet
fabric velcro
If you go to a sewing supply type place, they should have fabric-based velcro which you could sew (or have sewn) into place on your balaclava.