Kokatat Poseidon PFD? Looking for feedback if anyone has some thoughts. Thanks

also the accessories made for it if you have any. Thanks! PITA because no one has one locally to try and even sit in my kayak with it on.

Hi PaddleDog52

I have tried on the Poseidon PFD and know few folks that own it.
General consensus is just to complex- too much going on.
And I love Kokatat stuff.
Early this season I picked up a Astral Blue Jacket ,needed more room for radio
and camera. Love the PFD and one for your short list.

The Blue Jacket will also take the Kokatat hydration bladder system I wont paddle without.

Hope this helps

Thanks I’ll look. I do have kokatat bladder for my other kokatat PFD.

The Kokatat Tributary Hydration Pack will clip onto lots of pfds. As John mentioned, it fits the Blue Jacket nicely.

I’ve tried on the base Poseidon and liked it well enough. I’m not a fan of the bulging add on pouches as I find them encumbering during rescues.

I know a kayak specialty store in Hyde Park, NY that has the Blue Jackets in stock. :wink:

See you on the water,
The Connection, Inc.
9 W. Market St.
Hyde Park, NY
845-228-0595 main
845-242-4731 mobile
Main: www.the-river-connection.com
Store: www.the-river-connection.us
Facebook: fb.me/theriverconnection

Thanks for the input Marshall… you’re 2:25 from me. I was trying to take a ride up before the winter.

Marshall do you have. Layla in stock? What color is the blue? Sounds like crazy question lol.

From the PFD wall

Picture worth …

See you on the water,
The Connection, Inc.
9 W. Market St.
Hyde Park, NY
845-228-0595 main
845-242-4731 mobile
Main: www.the-river-connection.com
Store: www.the-river-connection.us
Facebook: fb.me/theriverconnection