Can anyone offer any comparisons in regards to the durability, breathabilty, and any other comments in regards to Kokatat’s Tropos fabric compared to NRS’s 210-denier 3-layer Triton fabric?
Thanks – bill
not even close…
The NRS Triton wins on all counts. It’s a 3-layer waterproof breathable material while the Tropos is a single layer (I think). The NRS drytop I have made out of Triton is bomber and it compares favorably to Goretex in my experience. Tropos is fine if you don’t paddle hard, don’t sweat much, and don’t get wet a whole lot but it’s a distant second to Triton.
Not the right comparison
The NRS Triton fabric is intended to compete with the GoreTex fabric used in Kokatat’s higher end suits. The Tropos is a respectable but not as durable or well-warrantied also-ran.
If I were going to spend the money on a first drysuit and was strapped for cash, I’d go for a lightly used suit with the higher end materials rather than the Tropos. I have a couple of Tropos items including the SuperNova, but consider them as good backup rather than primary.
dry suit sale
NRS is running a sale on drysuits.