Current Design, SOT, Kevlar model 2014 Kystral. Need ASAP. Stability? Tippy? Earlier model (4 or 5 yrs) was more stable? Current model, basically a sit in with cockput extended for SOT
I looked at one today…
… but didn’t paddle it. I paddled the original one and while not as stable as today’s fishing SOT barges I thought it to be the best paddling SOT I had ever tried with the exception of the molded foot-braces which were just too painful.
The 2014 I saw was beautifully outfitted but lacking a small day hatch in the cockpit. For a fishing machine it might be tippy but for a paddling boat it should be fine.
It is crazy busy here this time of year and when the holidays are over I may try to pick one up with a trade in.
Current Design
I thought…
…they fixed the footrest problem…
It certainly doesn’t look like a dedicated fishing SOT, but I bet it performs much better than one though!
I guess it depends on whether your primary interest is fishing or paddling.
Late model Kestrel 140 SOT
It is a lot more tippy than most sit on tops and more tippy than a regular Kestrel. For many I recommend putting a couple 2 liter bottles of water low in the hatch and covering with a floatation bag. Blow up the bag to pin the bottles in place and it makes the boat more stable.
Also I would use the thinnest seat pad you can.
Your results may be differnt. I own the older version and it is my first choice for most paddling.
Current Designs discontinued the Kestrel 140 SOT several years ago. I wish they hadn’t, but I guess it didn’t sell well enough. A shame because it’s a good boat.
I’ve seen 2014’s
Maybe they found a few stashed away in a warehouse as the #s are engraved and not molded so ???
I am tempted to get one.
OK I paddled a 2014
This is a beautifully finished very quick well balanced SOT that I can carry one handed. I remember paddling the original and how painful and how much I hated the molded in footrests. That is all changed with the adjustable foot braces and I found the new cockpit a very good fit, I am 5’11" and 170lbs.
I found the primary stability to be less than I remember as well as the secondary. I felt it required more attention in light conditions, similar to a Brit sit-in kayak in heavier conditions. Edging was difficult without the knee straps and those are a PITA. Cockpit storage is limited to a bottle holder and could use a bag hatch. IMMHO it is not a fishing boat or a guest boat for neophytes.
I was thinking about one of these to supplement my 14’ SINK for short day paddles and to lend to guests. Now thinking about trying a crossover ski if I am to give up comfort and stability.