Lake Anna, VA
Well, having taken out our kayak for a second time (that’s a slow start), we’re planning on taking it further from home than the local reservoir. We rented a cottage at Lake Anna, Virginia, which is just a few hours from home. We figure a short paddle daily for a week will give us a little more experience.
Question: Is there a good source for ordering a map or chart of such bodies of water? Eventually we plan on a GPS but Garmin’s website alone has a large # of choices – I think to start out an actual paper map/chart, laminated if possible, will suffice.
By the way, on this second ride, I remembered to lower the rudder into the water – much straighter tracking and of course, easier corrections when needed.
Here is an online version
But there are ADC maps available at most local tackle and bait or boating shops in the area. I think they were made by ADC, or someone like that. I don't know if they are still in print. ya go. I think this may be the replacement version:
Enjoy Lake Anna…
…but be careful if it’s your first time. It’s the absolute worst place for the stereotypical drunk jet-skiers/speed boaters we all complain about. There are always several deaths per year.
Also, beware of the “Dike 3” area. The current there is surprisingly strong.
OK, map ordered from, thank you!!!
I appreciate the warnings about Lake Anna. We had prepared ourselves for dealing w/wakes and such, had not thought about actual impacts. Ouch! Maybe we need to think about staying outside “the channel” to whatever degree that’s germane – of course jet-skis don’t draw much water either.
Well, we have to get out somewhere or we’ll be forever on the local reservoir; this is a reasonably close place and by staying right on the lake we can go out for numerous short paddles. If we do that it the mornings maybe the jet-skiers won’t be so drunk. ironically, we were wondering about taking a wine bota and thinking about locating a place we can paddle to for a wine/cheese on the shore, maybe we’ll leave that at home.
Also ironically, the place we rented includes… free use of kayaks. We’re taking our tandem but maybe we’ll try out theirs too, we’ve never been in singles – might be interesting.
There are several "fingers"
where you can avoid most of the powerboat traffic.
However, the warnings are well heeded about high usage areas. Locals should be able to direct you to the quieter areas.
I haven’t been there in a long time since trying to sail there many years ago. A few folks I know like it a lot, and seek out the quiet areas. You will find that the water is much warmer than expected in some areas from the power plant cooling water being returned to the lake.
Dike 3
Thanks for all the warnings, esp “Dike 3”, I think I found it online and we’re staying a couple of miles away, we should be able to stay clear.