I’ve read the trip reports and wondering If anyone has done this lake lately and could give me some advice. put-in,camping, must see spots on the lake.Good chance I’ll get up that way far a long weekend.
Thanks Jeremy
I was up there in May and it was great. The NF Campground is great and the boat ramp is just down the road. If you use the campground I’d paddle the kayak up to the campground and takeout on the point where the campsites are without electric outlets.
If you want to go primitive you can put in across from the Ranger Station and use any of the lake side campsites for free - just a firering, table and bear hook.
Must see spots - the entire beautiful trees and a sidetrip to Joyce Kilmer is a must.
Any day on the water is a great day,
Jeremy, when are you going?
sep 14-16
I’ve had to work every holiday for the past three years. even Christmas and about 40 weekends a year. they haven’t shut down for a day in over 5 years at work. Then they told us we was going to be off the week of the 10th.I got a few thing to do the first part of the week,but about Thursday I’m going paddling. Thought about Calderwood agian like we did a few years ago.anything is open. are you interested?
I think I can get to either one on the
Sep. 14/15 . I'll check. I've never really seen Santeetlah.Can you secure a couple of campsites when you get there?
let you know
I am still doing a little research.Thinking of paddling Santeetlah fri.&Sat. Then beign that close to Calderwood maybe a trip trough the tunnel on that lake Sun. morning.
Joyce Kilmer Forest
Hey NC-Cal :
I’ve not paddled the lake but camped out in the CG once on the way home from a WW paddle trip. You are right. A must see, if you’re into the forest scene is Joyce Kilmer Forest. It’s a magic place.
Santeetlah may have dropped in
the drought. Suggest considering Calderwood, the next lake down. It usually stays full, and has no development and fewer powerboats than Santeetlah. It is accessed from hwy 129 at the NW corner of the bride below Cheoah Dam. I believe one could camp anywhere on the lake, though sites are not common. A few of the sites around the put-in ramp are nice, but that campground can be a bit noisy and “random.”
thanks for the info.
been on Calderwood a few years ago. its not that big and can be done in a day . I’ll be driving about 5 hours and staying in that area 3 days so want to see places I havn’t paddled, but Calderwood is so nice and being that close I have got to do it again.
Any other good NC/TENN/GA lakes
I am thinking about taking some time off of work in october to do a little lake paddling. I am looking for something isolated, prefer to camp away from any roads or docks, maybe somewhere that has to be reached via canoe. Thanks for any info. i live in north ga.