Length of feet of perimeter and bungee lines

Looking to re-string the reflective perimeter and bungee lines on a CD Sirocco. Any idea on the amount needed (most sites sell it by the foot).
Old lines are gone, no accurate way to measure.

Might be worth using a thread or dental floss to run a line and get a measurement from it.

Add at least 18" to give yourself a bit extra to work with and tie knots .

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Remember to add extra for knots and extra to grab on to while tying the knots (6 inches).

Buy it off CD they’ll send you enough.

Paracord bought cheap from Wal-Mart in camping aisle/Sporting Goods dept. Similar thickness I imagine, for measuring out before ordering the real thing.

If one end is frayed after making a cut, melt it a bit with lighter/a match.

Afterwards, save the paracord again to use in camp to hang wet items on.

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I’m with the previous advice. Since the original lines aren’t there, you’ll have decide how to string the new lines anyway. So get some light string/Mason line/etc. and experiment with how you want to string them (especially the bungees - criss/cross pattern or parallel lines or ??) and then measure the string. Add a couple of feet for knots.

When installing new perimeter lines, this is one of the better things to do while you are at it:

Makes a difference in hanging onto a kayak in assisted and self rescue.


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Deck line is cheap, so just buy 50’ or more and you’ll have plenty of extra. As for bungee, 20’ is probably more than enough.

Don’t use paracord. It’s too small in diameter and it’s Nylon, which is not ideal for deck lines, as it gets loose when wet. Get 3/16" polyester line.

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Agree. Most reflective deck lines come in 5mm or 6 mm size…I prefer 6mm. Anything smaller tends to cut ones hands eventually and is hard to hold onto.

Life’s too short. I bought 50 meters of 5mm reflective line to replace the same on my Grand Illusion which had 5 mm non-reflective lines that were tighter than I wanted. 50 meters cost me $20. I tried to save line and get real accurate but I kept cutting it too short to tie the knots I wanted. Good thing that I had 50 meters to work with. On my third try I went real long because (duh) I finally realized that I could afford to and after paddling and adjusting the lines I cut them to the clean and desired length. I gave the short lines to friends and still have a ton left over to donate to the club. And, yeah, Sing’s suggestion about adding vinyl tubing is a good one. Another cheap and easy upgrade.


I tried using vinyl tubing to cover the lines but they didn’t allow the lines to dry and became an algae problem.

When I re-replaced them I used hollow braided poly and was able to splice the lines together like on a ski rope. I whipped the splice in monofilament to make sure it didn’t come apart.

Looks really clean that way.


Non reflective Paracord would no be my choice.

Even if you never plan to be out in the dark unfortunately someone may be searching for you in the dark.

Oops I see now you used it to measure thanks to Kayak. But I’ll leave post Incase anyone thinks of using non reflective lines.

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Yeah knots take up more length than you think looking at them.

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Post picture of the deck for routing suggestions if you’re unsure.

Yes, thanks. I didn’t advocate USING the Paracord, but as an inexpensive and useful way for the OP to pre-measure, then repurpose the Paracord when done, before going to “glitter.”

But after so long on these forums, I’ve come to expect that the only actual reading done here is mostly done by “expert” paddlers in love with the sound of their own voice.

Which is why I try to seldom give advice.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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How tight should it be? How many inches slack between the cord and the boat when pulled tight?

I would suggest not worrying about getting it perfect right off the bat. Maybe start long with excess line at one end and work on shortening it a bit at a time. When you find the comfy length you can cut off the excess. I still have about 6" of extra line wrapped around a padeye. I’ll cut it off someday.


The knot can be reversed, so the 6 inch excess makes it easier to tie/reverse the knot. That lets you tighten or relax tension, until you have time to test objects you intend to secure.

I bought bugee from Annapolis Kayak which has a tight core that expanded when cut. The easiest way to pull through the fittings was to cut pack the core and heat melt the sheith to make a thin leader to pull the bungee through the deck eyelets.

For me it’s more about ease of getting a hold on it and less about inches. I test it for ease of getting my hand around it w/ gloves on and don’t want to feel the kayak tight against my hand when I do it.
Like 3meter I tend to have one end that hasn’t been cut short yet so I can adjust as needed.
I have gotten kayaks that had the perimeter line so tight it was hard to get fingers between the deck and line, definitely not something I want to be fighting w/ while taking a swim.

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The deck line is a safety line. You need enough slack that a hand/hand with a glove on can easily grab hold. Or, if you are doing a rescue/self rescue, enough slack for two hands to grab the deck line.

Too tight defeats the purpose of the deck line, and too loose is dangerous as it can snag (and looks unkept). It is a fine line that you must determine.