limited options for first kayak/canoe

Hello I’m moving to a river town for business reasons and want to start kayaking or canoeing for fitness and fishing, after a long and thorough search this is all that’s available within my budget here(see links below) can anyone tell me about these kayaks, there’s a fiber glass canoe builder with only large models and to order a smaller one would take him ages to make. it’s very expensive and difficult to bring something this big form the U.S. so I’m stuck with what I can find here.

thank you

They are three completely different

I might be wrong but:

The first one looks like a recreation kayak.

The second one looks like a ICF-K1 racing boat

And the third is a tandem.

If you have never paddled before, maybe the first one is the one to get.

The second one would be very hard for a novice, but it would be good for fitness and racing.

If you have a spouse or a partner the third would be a good option.

I can’t help you on the cost, since I don’t know how to convert that to US dollars

Jack L

seem pricey

– Last Updated: May-21-12 12:46 PM EST –

Since a Venezualan Bolivar is around 23.5 cents US last time I looked, $1400 seems awfully steep to me for that red solo (I agree the racing kayak and the tandem should be completely off your list.)

You could mail order a new Pakboat Puffin Saco folding kayak from the US and even with freight and import costs it should not cost that much. And that's a boat you could pack up and bring home with you when and if you return. Nice boats for travelers(we own a larger Pakboat model).

It packs down to a 20 lb duffel bag. See the photo of a guy carrying one on their website.

You can remove the entire deck and paddle it as an open boat, too.

The Puffin is a good idea NM

thanks! inflatables?
thanks for the replies! the exchange rate mentioned exists only for the government, ours is twice that which is great for tourists visitng us but not for locals who need to buy goods overseas.

the recreational kayak is sold by;-A10-Sit-In-Kayak–Blue/product/11081905012220/212171?cmCat=CROSSSELL_PRODUCT

priced at 6000 B’s with the black market rate of 9 B’s per dollar here you pay around $600 for it.

I never considered inflatables but the folding boat is a good option and there’s a shop here selling the advanced elements frame and expedition for around $500, is this a good product even if it’s been in storage for a few years? I’ve read good things about it online but compared to a $200 sea eagle kayak which one would you buy?