So I have a new canoe. I don’t plan to sell but you never know. That said, I thought it would be interesting to log the waterways I paddle by writing them on the inside of my hull. Any downsides to this aside from it being a possible eyesore to someone else if I ever try to sell the boat? My thinking is that it will be encouraging and a fun way for me to track my explorations. I don’t plan to write down every trip, just each new lake or river or whatnot. Thoughts?
I’d make stuff up and use glitter glue
seriously, do what you want. It's why we mess about in boats isn't it? On the other hand, you say "new canoe" and I "get it." Been there, worried about that. So glad those days are over.
I think it is a neat idea
Don't worry about it being a problem if you sold your boat.
You bought it for yourself, just make it your own.
We couldn't do that with our canoe. I would need a few more canoes to cover the million and one places we have paddled with it.
One of my many daughters puts stickers on the outside of her canoe from the many neat places she has paddled, and I have seen other canoes with similar.
Use a fine line sharpie, and if you make a mistake or want to take it off, just rub it with some alcohol.
I have stickers on the deck of my long plastic sea kayak from Glacier Bay, Yellowstone Nat. Park, and the Everglades and a few others, and get lots of questions about them.
Jack L
why not?
If you’ve paddled enough to know it’s the boat for you, sounds like a neat idea.
I have put a few stickers on the bow already. One says “Adventure Awaits” and another says “Sea More”.
Where I live it is a decent drive to log different waterways. Some I know it is best to avoid. Zoar Valley is close but I won’t be down there.
As for the glitter: glitter is the herpes of the art world and I hate it with the passion of a 1000 suns. What I have on hand is a paint marker of some kind that I used on my mailbox and a few other items. I need to remember where I got it or just look it up on Amazon and get a different color for the inside of the boat.
I figured this might be like bumper stickers. My mother always hated them. Once I had my own vehicle I happily pasted comical ones on my truck cap or dead spots on the rear window of the SUV.