Long raincoat?

I’m looking for a breathable,lightweight,zippered raintop that reaches just above my knees to wear paddling kneeling and keep my shorts dry without wearing rainpants.Like a zippered short caygule.All the rainjackets I have found are too short.Anybody know of such a thing?


LL Bean

Second the Bean Stowaway
My 8-year old one has withstood more than I thought it would, but you really have to wash them regularly with the recommended products to maintain breathability.

third on the Stowaway
Keeping it as clean as possible is key.

Mine is six years old…and gets dragged on six weeks of trips a year including some subarctic trips.

Buy big for layering…it is true to size but I like to leave room for fleece and wool shirt when snowshowers erupt.

LL Bean Stowaway parka
The Stowaway Parka was the first on I thought of when I saw this.

Kokatat Storm Cagoule/Cag.

I second the vote for a Storm Cag. They are very useful for canoeing, kayaking and just around camp. A stom cag with some chaps would be pefect for me but I haven’t seen chaps for sale in years.


– Last Updated: Sep-29-08 1:48 PM EST –


One size fits all, so can loan to anyone in need.

Fits cockpit of kayak (or, if a canoesist, if you ever get a Rob Roy).

Alerting color helps visibility.

Completely waterproof. Has warm pocket for hands in front. Gaskets for wrists. Fits over PFD.

A wonderful piece of paddling equipment that I never leave home without now, and I have Pnetters tgo thank for ther advice of getting one.

Looks like somethin’ Scarlett O’Hara

– Last Updated: Sep-29-08 1:53 PM EST –

would waar. Hey, ah' hear'd she wuz one hot southern fryer.

(Jus' gittin' me'self all woyked up fer chasin' dem Raystown wimminfolk.)


I cant imagine doing trail maintenance
in that cagoule…would catch every branch.

The Stowaway however being closer to the body doesnt hang me.

Long Raincoat
I knew a guy who had a long raincoat. He’s doing 4-6 at the Big House now. You just never know! VF