Looking back at 2024 and looking forward in 2025

And yes, I was a very fit individual, even though I am in my 70’s. I carry my boats to the water, But not anymore.

It is hard to fight Kapoie.

It sure is

AllI know, is that clinical trials today are not what they used to be. This is no shot in the dark. There ate so many rules, regulations, procedures and precautions taken, that when a trial gets to this stage, if it gets to this stage, they have a pretty good idea what to expect, they feel good about it. It just has to be proven. So chances of success may be better than most people realize.

Live for today. Tomorrow will be here soon enough, then youll be lamenting its passing. I dislike winter, but its never long enough to do the things I put off all summer.

I am looking forward to 2025 but I have concerns too. Most people (and Americans more then many) want instant gratification and instant fixes to problems that took 10 to 100 years to get super bad. So expecting an instant fix is unrealistic, and the kick-back for lack of speed demanded by them is potentially worse then the problem they were hoping to fix in the 1st place.

But…I do have a new Rebel TOK on the way and I am excited about trying it out. I also hope to go out for at least 3 long trips this spring, summer and fall as well as doing my 5-6 day a week paddling routines.

All I look forward to doing is picking up where I left off, making more progress, going further, and enjoying more

In the meantime, taking advantage of the R & R. I’ll enjoy the pain soon enough.