Looking for a used P&H Cetus MV FG

Hello, I’m looking for a used P&H Cetus MV FG. That pretty much says it all. I’m in Vermont. Am willing to travel in the northeastern US area.

try out:
(include MV to further filter the results)

noticed Wilmington, delaware, …

Call river connection in Hyde Park NY.

Thank you. PaddleDog52, are your familiar with Try Before You Buy program at River Connection? Are the boats they demo with what they’re selling?

The River Connection maintains an on water fleet of P&H and Impex Kayaks separate from the kayaks located in the Store.

Wrote you an email. Give a call. Save my thumbs from typing on the iPhone screen.

See you on the water,
The Connection, Inc.
9 W. Market St.
Hyde Park, NY
845-228-0595 main
845-242-4731 mobile
Main: www.the-river-connection.com
Store: www.the-river-connection.us
Facebook: fb.me/theriverconnection