Looking for Kayaking club/groups in central NJ

My wife and I just bought a tandem inflatable kayak + associated gear (life jackets, etc.) and are seeking groups in the central NJ area to kayak with. We are retired so weekend/weekday trips are fine. We are beginner-level and seeking groups or others to kayak with that are OK with us at beginner level. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

You could try the Jersey Shore Sea Kayak Association, but you have to join to access much of the information on their web site. Some of their members paddled with us at some Chesapeake Paddlers Association trips years ago, but I don’t know much about them now. They used to be less formal.

If you search “kayak club NJ” several more come up, but most are along the Delaware river. There’s a lot of good paddling around Red Bank, NJ.

I was a member of the JSSKA many years ago but after a time got to feel that it was too conforming and found that I didn’t care to paddle in large groups. A few of us with similar paddling interests broke away from the group and found that we enjoyed our time together on the water more with just five guys and no organization.

After things quiet down come September you might drive over to Island Beach State Park with your boat. Head down to Area 41 where you can often find a few paddlers in the morning and maybe go out with one or two. Wonderful easy paddling through the sedge islands and when your skill level improves, you can paddle out through Snake Ditch into Barnegat inlet where you can thrill to a three knot flooding tide and large, fast moving motor yachts throwing really big wakes at you. That’s when I pull on my life jacket😊.

Thanks rstevens15. I will check these out and consider joining.

Thanks jmyers I will check these out. We go to Island State park and enjoy it there.

sea kayaking hulls won’t match to well with an inflatable kayak. Look in Meetup if any groups are near you.

Suggestions: HRCKC, Garden State Kayakers (FB group), NJ Paddlers (FB group)

I agree paddledog52 and we at least for now have no interest in Sea kayaking - want gentle streams, lakes and similar at least for now.

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Thanks Ben will check these out