Looking for next kayak

Do you paddle in waters & conditions that you need a 17 yak? I have the Eclipse & like every Perception kayak I have had the seat is very uncomfortable. I only use it when I’m going to be in big water or there is a good chance it will be choppy out there. I use my 14’ yak 90% of the time. I do mostly only creeks & rivers. No concrete ponds or lakes.

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I am sure i don’t need one. Heck I might not even like it as much as I think i would. I was hoping the extra length would let me glide through the water better. I like the dirigo, I think there could be a better one out there for me. And my wife likes it. Honesty I would buy another if I found one for a good price close.

Yellow is highly visible in low light.

Run run run

700 hundred bucks and I have 6 I bought in similar condition from 700 to 900 including a 22 composite tandem for 900.


Wow I would love to try one out like that. Too bad i can’t find someone local that has one.

Current Design Solstice GT is a great boat and not tippy. The Extreme in picture is but tippy till you get used to it. Hulls 24" wide are usually more stable. Tons around it’s the most popular sea kayak ever.

Looking for good deal you need to look am and pm and go get it or put a deposit on it. Get a slow moving video of it or a bunch of pictures. Both on all sides of it. Post pictures here for advice.

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Everyone should get a CD solstice IMO

Used, for their first boat

Best all round boat and go from there :blush:

I feel very secure in that boat in big water

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How do I get a purple one? I love that boat

My husband would kill me

Best boat for the $

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I would jump on that seriously

Pay to ship it

Best deal I have seen unless I am misunderstanding

Nobody has ever regretted a CD Solstice
Amazing quality

Not easy to roll, the only thing

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A beauty! I would love her! Plus she goes with my Jeep!


Sorry not for sale . I have 3 Extremes and CD Expedition all basically same visually. Purple always gets way more compliments .


how do the Sirocco compare to the Solstice?

I don’t know but you should be able to look at the
hull design and makes some conclusions.
I like to see two hulls side by side.
I’d say off the top my head it’s a lot heavier and half as much money.

Personally I prefer a used Solstice to a new plastic anything because I don’t like the heavy feeling.

I know where I am the Solstice has a great resale.
If you change your mind you can unload it easily IMO.

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Are these the models?

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I think so, and that is about the same thing I found. Looks like the Solstice is lighter and probably the better choice. I found the other for $400. Since I have zero experience with either, I was hoping someone might have experience with them. I can look at specs all day, but for me user experience is more helpful.

Considerably more load capacity, over the Sirocco.

thanks! defiantly has more weight capacity, but either would be enough for me. The Solstice sounds like the one I would want, I was hoping the Sirocco would be a very similar kayak. seems like a totally different kayak though.

I think the basic difference you’ll notice is fitment, but performance and stability has to be based on paddle time. Im sure you cam get used to anything, but how a boat tracks, edges, turns and how you feel about stability and fit is something that only you can decide. As mentioned, you buy and resell if it isn’t satisfactory.

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thx again M8. I see what you are saying and I agree. I don’t have to buy another one this year, so I can wait for the right one. :slight_smile: it would be nice to try to get some paddle time in some different kayaks

16-8" so a bit shorter vs 17-7" very well respected hull design.