Looking for recommendations for rivers in Arkansas

We were planning a trip to Big Piney Creek in Arkansas next week but as of now the water levels are too low. We are coming from Dallas-Ft. Worth area.

I am totally unfamiliar with Arkansas. Can anyone recommend rivers in the western part of Arkansas that have some fun class I, II or possibly some easy III’s (whatever can be reasonably done in a sit on top)? I saw on American Whitewater that a lot of rivers in Arkansas are flowing good but I don’t know what is what without a lot of research and I am just short on time now. Looking for an area that will have some shuttle service because we will only have one vehicle and our small camper. Also, days trips only on the river.

I may be asking too much but hoping someone has some ideas!


I have found that maybe the Mulberry or Buffalo are close enough to me and running right now. Lots of options of areas on both so would love some specifics about these 2 rivers (or any others that come to mind)

Both the Mulberry and Buffalo are low too. The Mulberry is below 2ft and you need to be over 2.6 to get a decent run on the lower probably 3 plus on the upper sections. The Buffalo is very low all the way down to the White. If you are looking for white water, the Lower Mountain Fork below the Re-Reg dam in OK will have water when power is being generated, the Cossatott has water and the Spring River up by Hardy AR always has water.

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Check out the mountain fork in oklahoma near broken bow, dam releases, shuttle service, camp right at put in and they will shuttle for free as part of your camping, check out tippecanoe rentals since they lease the property, mountain fork is where i went when levels were low in arkansas a month ago

Do not camp at the re-reg dam park (if they have not already closed it). If you want a nice place to camp, check out Grey Goose . They also provide shuttles.
They release water for power generation Sunday through Friday evenings, unless it is really hot. Gauge to watch is Mountain Fork Near Eagletown, OK - USGS Water Data for the Nation
You can also check the Southwest Power cooperative website Generation Schedules | Department of Energy to make sure you are not drive up there for nothing.
If you want nice flatwater paddling you can camp at Beavers Bend. The river in the park is controlled by Beavers Bend Dam so the level is fairly constant and slow moving.

Tippecanoe is fixing campground up, had hook ups, bathrooms not great, some improvements going on but all in all a good experience, very convenient with shuttle back to campsite, that was a month ago.

Thank you. Have been to Mountain Fork many times. Really like it but want to find a new area to go. Still waiting on rain!

At this time of year in the Ozarks, I usually try to hit the Eleven Point River from Greer to Riverton. Granted, it’s in southern Missouri and not in northwest Arkansas, but because of Greer Spring, it’s almost always running even when other Ozark rivers are too bony. Generally speaking, that run is too long for a day trip; however, there are enough access points on the river that planning a shorter paddle is pretty easy.

Sometimes, you just can’t wait anymore to get on the water.