Looking for Red Canoe Paddles

The camp I work for needs to purchase solid red canoe paddles. Our current ones were made by obisan and I cannot find a place to purchase them from. It has to be a solid red color, not red orange or pink or any other shade than a stop sign red color.

Paint is your friend!


Plastic is your friend too. I got a very sturdy red plastic paddle from Walmart.(Think I paid under ten bucks.) I use it exclusively on nastier hard rock whitewater runs, rather than beat up my nicer lightweight wood paddles. Also,

I discovered the very same paddle (although not in red) being used by a canoe livery company on the Delaware river. They take a lickin’ but keep on tickin’.https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/0a6ca964-ec44-474d-b9b9-94cfb766520a_1.fc814baa68be1acd2ac0ffa79062775a.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFF

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If the shaft doesn’t need to be red as well I know that Old Town / Carlisle have red plastic canoe paddles as an option.

Do you have a link that you can share with me?


Looks like they don’t have any with red paddle blades at the moment, but it might be something worth reaching out to their customer service line about, especially if you’re needing more than just one or two. Otherwise Krylon Fusion spray paint in your choice of red will be the second best thing.