I’m looking to buy a canoe sometime in the future. I’m going to use it mostly on smaller lakes, rivers and some shallow rivers. It’s going to be for my wife and I to paddle and fish in. My question is, Should I look for a fiberglass/aluminum canoe or are the plastic ones okay? We found one at Gander mountain that we really like. We have it between a Old Town Discovery 148 or a Mad River Adventure 14.
Any advice?
Have you paddled either?
I don’t know about either of those.
but a 14 foot canoe is pretty small for two people.
You might want to look around for something between 15 and 17 feet.
jack L
Bigger canoe is better
I also agree that a more spacious canoe would be better for your purposes,…not to mention far more pleasureable to paddle as far as tracking and speed go. An Old Town Discovery 158 or 169 comes to mind. I had a Discovery 164 and it was better than both but they are hard to find as they were discontinued years ago.
The only really good 14 foot tandems
are whitewater boats like the Mad River Caption. For lake use, try for another foot or two of length.