...get a bed extender. All you need is a hitch and it would allow you to put a longer kayak in the back of the truck. Remember, you'll need a flag to put on the end of the kayak.
Vapor 10 was what my husband was looking at. Only concern I'd have is if that kayak would support your weight. I'd check it out first. With the Native Watercraft Marvel we were told that their 10' would not be good for my husband's weight and he weighs less than you. He was fine in the Old Town Vapor 10 though.
I don't really know what to do. The idea of a big nice 14 foot kayak is cool and all, but considering my way of transporting it (my wife's jeep) I don't know if a 14 foot is very reasonable. I'd have to probably buy a special rack for roof mount instead of being able to make one that would work for a smaller kayak. Plus alot of my kayak time will be spent in small to medium rivers in mississippi, I dunno how much a 14 foot would suffer?
How much does a good roof mount cost? $300 dollar kayak and roof mount could still be in my budget I guess. I really wish I could find a used pungo 120; it seems like that would be a good fit for what I want.
I think the vapor 10 would be fine for my weight. The otter I have been using is rated for 275 I think and the vapor is rated for 300. The otter struggles if I got a cooler with me, but it just makes for a better workout!
Thanks again for the help; I'm just trying to consider all of my options.
14 feet is still manageable in rivers Just paddled the Great Swamp in NY, very narrow and winding in spots. There were a couple of 14 footers and no problems navigating. As a matter of fact, you’ll be able to hone your maneuvering skills AND enjoy a boat that can handle your particular needs. The Pungo140 would be a great choice if you don’t want a sit on top.
darn! Just got called back from the guy with the savannah and he sold it. I was just about convinced that if it was in good condition it was mine! Oh well… I’m gonna wait a few weeks try to find a nice used 12-14’ boat, and if anyone comes across anything available close to either north Mississippi or south Mississippi please let me know! I live in the North and my dad is in the South, so I could always get him to pick it up if I had to.
THINK SAFETY IMHO, safety wise, a man your height and weight is facing safety issues in a smaller yak. Most yaks state a recommended payload, but, the closer you get to (and exceed) that recommendation, the less stable your boat becomes.
Forget the big box bargains, have a little patience, and find yourself something in the 12’ - 14’ range that can safely handle your physical specifications.
Your wife and friends will enjoy being with you instead of talking about you.
a bit to far to drive. I’m willing to drive up to 5 hours or so, but that would be a 9 hour + drive. Don’t suppose anyone on craiglist would be willing to ship a kayak? Would probably be way to expensive to mess with then. If only that pungo was only a few hours away!
I found a dagger rpm max close by for $400. From reading up on it I dunno if it’d be any good for lakes at all… sounds more like a WW or playboat for big guys. Alot of my days in a kayak will be spent going 5ish miles across a lake, so I doubt that dagger will be very good for that.
wow… the used kayak market really sucks in my area! sorry had to vent… I even went and looked through 2 month old stuff and very rarely did I even see a kayak for sale within 5-6 hours of me. Pretty much decided to wait a couple of weeks and fine a good used boat, and if I can’t find one I will probably get a Vapor 12. Its the only 12 foot kayak new that is near my budget. If only someone would ship me a pungo 120!
After looking for a few days. I’ve not been able to come across any used pungo 120s in my area or that anyone is willing to ship to me. I did find a pretty good deal here: http://www.outdoorplay.com/store/Product.asp?MID=Wilderness%20Systems&SKU=BRE_WYPU20_DIS After all the great things I’ve read about the pungos I really want one now, but I’m not ready to buy a new one yet… I’ve come across some perception sundance 12s and Pamlico 120s on ebay. How big of a difference is there between these and the pungo?