I have yet to own a kayak but in the process looking at them. I live at the new jersey shore and would like to use my kayak for recreation and fishing. One kayak I have my eye on is a cobra navigator sit on top kayak. Is this a good quality kayak??
Test drive
Test drive as many boats as you can.
Test a couple Heritage boats and let
me know what you think! I want one for Texas “fun” racing as well as fishing. I haven’t sat in one yet but they get nice reviews. Let us know if you get to try any!
Compare a Little First
You really need to try a couple boats in the water before you decide.
There is a guy named Barrel on the Jersey shore who has a shop and been paddling sit on tops for years.
read the “product reviews”
to the left there … click on that and go read the reviews by people who have owned them
But take product reviews with a
grain of salt. When you see the same comments over and over, that’s worth noting, but there’s a fair bit of lousy information mixed in with the good.
No personal experience with the Cobra Navigator, but the Cobra Expedition I used to have was reasonably well-made.
Fran-I fish a rigged Heritage SeaDart
,find it easy to handle,has a nice glide, and so far, do not feel any need for a rudder. The Heritage Expedition is longer, heavier, and definitely faster. Also, paddle an NC 17LT Daytripper SINK and it is fast.
So you like them…good…I hope to try
one soon. I got all excited thinking I had a new paddle buddy around the corner…but I see your in Florida. I live down the road from Snook, Texas. I thought I would have got word if there was a paddler amoungst the cattle and horses. Thanks for the input. I’ll let you know what I think when I sit in one.
If your build is top heavy you dont want the Nav.Check out the KFS site/store.Jon sells almost every good SOT made for fishing.The new store is right on a pond and you can try them all.Forget the name of the town but it’s in NJ.
sit on top kayaks
I do not like the sit on top kayaks.
For me, they are uncomfortable and no place to tuck your gear. Plus sunburn to the MAX…
I do not feel protected at all in one of those kayaks.
Sit on Top right for fishing
Check out Kayakfishingstuff.com. Good, active forum with a lot of Jersey Shore kayak fishermen. Also a number of forums devoted to discussion of specific manufacturers, and the suitability of thier yaks for fishing.
If you’re looking at the Nav, take a good hard look at Malibu Kayak’s Pro Explorer. It compares very favorably vs the Nav, and is very ammenable to fishing.
Good Luck!
SS Selma,most SOT yaks have plenty of storage space below deck.Comfort in many cases is better provided you add a good seat such as STS highback or whatever.While you are more exposed on these you still have to dress for imersion regardless of yak design.They are definitly safer as all you have to do is flip the boat back over if necasary,climb back aboard and the water drains out the scuppers.Self or assisted rescue is not nearly as easy with a SIS particularly with fast,low initial stability touring yaks and small CP openings.I have and love both styles but in terms of overall safety,SOT’s have a considerable edge.Good luck!