Lost my kayak again at the same spot. It’s a big deal bc it’s 44f water temperature so retrieving is tough.
Easiest drill I have found (well…learned) is to use a paddle float and re-enter and roll back up. It’s fastest if you use a solid float instead of an inflatable one. But in far less time than it takes to swim back to land you can slip on a solid float, reenter the cockpit and roll up. Using the float it’s also super easy to do, but I recommend using a collapsible silicone bucket to bail out the water rather then pumping it all out. LIke these https://www.amazon.com/Buckets-Complete-Gardening-Environmentally-Plastic/dp/B08QVX18TT/ref=asc_df_B08QVX18TT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=507467674281&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9964514652492182853&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1014485&hvtargid=pla-1297098717990&psc=1&mcid=2436da1f334d3354be96a6684e9c517a&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtOmsBhCnARIsAGPa5ya2M5g5Z7oL_IU7yV_uEr-6ITRfJF9GO7AQSP2MfNqD5gGpu9OOXqwaApETEALw_wcB
A pump is far slower then a bucket. I can bail the water out down to about 2" deep in very little time with the bucket and then pump out the rest with a bilge pump.
Regarding boat recovery, I’ve got about 25 feet of floating rope attached to one end of the boat to make boat recovery easier. I also carry a dry bag with spare clothes so in a close-to-shore situation like yours I’d just get out of the water immediately.
Of course I don’t have the luxury of water as warm as yours.
Note that the cowboy rescue method was performed in dead calm water. This style of rescue can be very difficult in rough water and near impossible with a kayak with a high deck. A rudder parked on the rear deck or other gear stored there can add further difficulty and delay.
Lack of thermal protection for his hands can be a further problem. In my experience with winter oyster and salvage diving at those temperatures, you can lose significant functionality in your hands in as little as 10 minutes.
I remain unclear about the purpose in posting this one. Was advice sought?
On here something posted for fun can quickly become multiple posts quoting " expert "opinions that completely miss the point.
Good advice, thanks. I didn’t realize that.
I bought those
I enjoyed seeing that