Lost my kayak

Lost my kayak again at the same spot. It’s a big deal bc it’s 44f water temperature so retrieving is tough.


Easiest drill I have found (well…learned) is to use a paddle float and re-enter and roll back up. It’s fastest if you use a solid float instead of an inflatable one. But in far less time than it takes to swim back to land you can slip on a solid float, reenter the cockpit and roll up. Using the float it’s also super easy to do, but I recommend using a collapsible silicone bucket to bail out the water rather then pumping it all out. LIke these https://www.amazon.com/Buckets-Complete-Gardening-Environmentally-Plastic/dp/B08QVX18TT/ref=asc_df_B08QVX18TT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=507467674281&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9964514652492182853&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1014485&hvtargid=pla-1297098717990&psc=1&mcid=2436da1f334d3354be96a6684e9c517a&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtOmsBhCnARIsAGPa5ya2M5g5Z7oL_IU7yV_uEr-6ITRfJF9GO7AQSP2MfNqD5gGpu9OOXqwaApETEALw_wcB
A pump is far slower then a bucket. I can bail the water out down to about 2" deep in very little time with the bucket and then pump out the rest with a bilge pump.


Regarding boat recovery, I’ve got about 25 feet of floating rope attached to one end of the boat to make boat recovery easier. I also carry a dry bag with spare clothes so in a close-to-shore situation like yours I’d just get out of the water immediately.

Of course I don’t have the luxury of water as warm as yours. :smile:


Note that the cowboy rescue method was performed in dead calm water. This style of rescue can be very difficult in rough water and near impossible with a kayak with a high deck. A rudder parked on the rear deck or other gear stored there can add further difficulty and delay.

Lack of thermal protection for his hands can be a further problem. In my experience with winter oyster and salvage diving at those temperatures, you can lose significant functionality in your hands in as little as 10 minutes.

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I remain unclear about the purpose in posting this one. Was advice sought?

On here something posted for fun can quickly become multiple posts quoting " expert "opinions that completely miss the point.

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Good advice, thanks. I didn’t realize that.

I bought those :+1:t3:

I enjoyed seeing that

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