can any one help me with luanching ??? I’m sort of cunfused. how do you get on the water ??? THANKS !!!
If you really have to ask this
You should wait for summer and warmer waters. Or take a class where you purchased your boat.
remember … kayaking is a water sport
if you’re entering the kayak from a dock, you’ll need someone to show you how it’s done without getting wet.
if you’re entering the kayak from a lake or ocean shorline, get a pair of Chota Muklucs or get wet feet.
…this site has been around for many years and often when we get a new visitor they tend to ask questions that have already been discussed often. We also have a few otherwise great folks here who sometimes tend to get upset about this.
Here is how you can check to see if your question has already been discusssed: At the top of the Advice forum page, click on the word “archives” & then try a few search keywords (like for this question try “launch” or “launching”…usually just one word is better than a phrase. You can set the dates to search for back a year or “all” & then switch between “subject” & “message”.
You won’t always find what you’re after, even if its there, but it’s worth a try.
Now, to your question: if you are launching from a shoreline where you can stand, wade the boat in until it is floating an inch or two above the bottom. Try straddling the cockpit, then lower your butt into the seat & fold your legs in. You can then push off with your hands or the paddle.
I recall humerous discussions about how to launch from docks…this is considerably more difficult & not suggested in cold water.
great reference
I just went to my bookshelf and grabbed a book that I think you should buy. It’s unbelievable with the nicest step by step pics I have seen. It’s called “Kayaking & Canoeing For Beginners” by Bill Mattos. The ISBN is 1-84215-979-8 and it costs $17.99 at Barnes and Noble. But anyway, it’s a great book that you can read so you will be ready in the spring.
Simple question…
Simple answer:
You should pay particular attention to the article on "cold water paddling"
You can find A LOT of good beginner info. in the "Guidelines" link on the left of the screen
Here, I'll make it easy for you:
Second the lessons too
It's not only useful, it's more fun to get started when you are sharing the experience with others. You should definately take the time between now and warm weather to look at the above references, but you may find that you need to adapt some of the things you see in the books to work for you and your particular boat. Paddle float re-entries, for example, depending on the paddler and boat can require a little more practice and extra work to master than appears necessary when they are demonstrated by advanced paddlers in lower volme boats.
I have two 1.5" diameter 18" long…
...dowel rods I carry in the winter.
Helps me shove away from the shore without
having to wade too far in or without using my
paddle to shove off.
At 220, I have to wade out a bit to avoid my
weight from bottoming out my boat on the shore,
and by holding a dowel rod in each hand I can
kind of lift and shove without dragging too
much or getting too wet.
But you have to accept getting a little wet.
Part of the deal.
nice pics
Nice pics! Looks like fun!