mad river carriyoke

can someone please send me a few closeup pictures of a MadRiver center seat/carri yoke set up?that was sold and used on late 80’s early 90’s malecite?

Just a thought
I had a Mohawk Odyssey solo until last year when I bought a Wenonah Wilderness 15.4 solo. The Mohawk had a yoke strap that worked very nicely so I (having upholstery skills and some 2" strap) made my own. But you can buy the complete set up from Mohawk.

I’ll try to get you a photo this weekend

But, unless you have a kevlar model I don’t know if I’d bother with that set up. At least with my particular fiberglass one, the boat proved too heavy for the yoke attachment and it broke after a couple uses.

pics of carri yoke
yes mine is Kevlar,looking forward to seeing the pics, i have an old description of the carri yoke,and i know what the seat frame looks like,but i dont remember how the yoke stores under the seat!

Pics here



showing dowel pin reinforcing inherent weakness

showing broken one

kydex holder for yoke when stowed

If there’s anything else I might help with, let me know.


nice pics
thanks a ton ,this will help me 100%,Dan

Rather than doweling the weak spot…
…I would suggest making the piece out of laminated stock.