March - out like a lamb?

64 in SW MI yesterday, right up until early evening. Several storms with gusts over 50 overnight then 30 degree temp drop. And it looks like we had it easy compared to some others.

Lake Michigan may not look too rough but to me the spooky part was that you could see whitecaps even in the deepwater on the horizon.

Wind from NNW as indicated by seagulls.

Sing might be like a pig in poop but personally I would not launch a canoe into this.

Of course 40 mph gusts are no big deal if you have the right equipment and skills.

Heavy sleet and freezing rain followed by fourteen inches of snow last night and early today. Plenty of wind to blow it around as an added bonus. But power is back on now and I should be able to access the town road by mid day tomorrow, so no complaints … a day at the beach in comparison to what the tornado-impacted communities further south have suffered.

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This winter has been interesting in almost consistently bringing one or two storms/disturbances per week, albeit more in the form of rain for southern New England. We just had a disturbance the past Friday into Saturday. We are forecasted to have another strong disturbance this coming Tuesday.

Yes, as a surfer, I welcome these systems. When Pond Atlantic gets stirred a bit, surfers get to play. I think this past winter has been the best for NE surfers in my memory. So, far spring looks to continue the trend.


You have a great attitude!


After more than 40 years in Pittsburgh ¶ I have gotten pretty well used to wild weather swings – we seem to sit on a margin of the Jet Stream where the dry cold weather pattern of polar forces from the Canadian shield and Arctic collide with the warm wet surges from the Gulf of Mexico – there are even times when there are clear lines of demarcation within this county of heavy snow and subfreezing temps on one side but sunshine and 20 degrees warmer on the other. It’s very hilly here and not unusual to enter a mile long tunnel and find completely different weather at the other end than what was on the entrance side.

And the only months I have not seen snow here are July, August and September. We have also had days in January and February near 80 F followed within a week by sub zero stretches.

But this Spring has been pretty nuts so far even for the 'Burgh. Even in February we had shorts and tee shirts days and bulbs started blooming. It was 24 F overnight with snow flurries less than a week ago and forecast for tomorrow is 85 F!

Saturday I drove up to the northern suburbs to visit a friend and got caught in a raging windstorm with gusts up to 55 mph and horizontal rain. I was on twisting narrow roads through treed zones and branches were falling all along the route – eventually had to detour because a huge pine tree was blocking both lanes. My little car felt like it was going to be blown off the road. But within 5 minutes of reaching her house, the sun came out, the winds dropped to nothing and the birds were singing.

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Gotta love that in-your-face horizontal rain action…The least it could do is fall vertical to top off all the waterways more properly. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The locals round here like to say, “If ya don’t like the weather, wait five minutes–It’ll change!”

Nope. April is literally roaring now with high winds, and rain and snow to come. We did enjoy an almost-normal two days. April Fools!

March was no lark, either, or February or January or December or late November.