after reading this forum almost every day for a few months now i still don’t get some of the short forms you folks use.
what does IMHO mean? SOT sit on top. SINK sit in side kayak i assume.
I don’t know many but
In My Humble Opinion, Rolling ON the Floor, rolling on the floor Laughin Out Loud, ROFLOL, rolling on the floor laughing my a&^ off ROFLMAO. GP greenland paddle, aka (also known as)twig. Euro, european paddle.
There's a few for you >;-) devilish grin.
looks nasty to me. I have a dirty mind. It’s for fiberglass. fiber glass?
Some Other Common Ones Here…
S&G - stitch and glue - wood panel, fiberglass resin construction
SOF - skin on frame
CLC - Cheasapeake Light Craft - a S&G purveyor
R&R - roll and rescues
AW - American Whitewater
ACA - American Canoe Association
BCU - British Canoe Association
AMC - Appalachian Mountain Club - has paddling chapters through New England (NE)
YMMV - your mileage may vary
IMHO - in my humble (yeah, right) opinion
FWIW - For what it’s worth
BTW - by the way
OAL - over all length
LWL - length (along) water line
IK - Inflatable kayak
PFD - personal floatation device
VHF - hmmm… (it’s a marine radio)
PLB - Personal locator beacon and similar to EPIRB (? Emergency Personal ? Rescue Beacon)
VHF- Very High Frequency
HF- High Frequency
UHF- Ultra High Frequency
how 'bout
Don’t forget TLA
see Sing’s
post and you’re G2G. Good to Go.
pee at sea- a required merit badge in my book.
L flatpick (oh, that’s ‘laugh’ by the
BYOB- bring your own boat (I think). I may be wrong on that, 'cause I’m the only one that shows up with a kayak at local parties.
More P@C
Not to be confused with the rare and much more advanced skill ‘Poo at Sea’.
I don’t master this skill myself, but I once had the ‘pleasure’ to help stabilize a kayak while the captain performed this act. Luckily I was facing the other way. That’s what you get for being a trip leader.
Likewise I once was in first row to watch the ‘Puke at Sea’ skill. For a couple of hours we took turns stabilizing a sick paddler while the others would pull the fleet ashore.
P@C - don’t understimate!
Great list ; OTOH
ON the other hand…
more POO@C tales
once while sea kayaking in El Salvador, I had a terrible case of the runs (go figure!) half way thru a long crossing…yep…what a gut ache…the ol’ jump outta the boat, ‘swim’ a while and cowboy re-entry back in was a life saver.
EDU acronyms
here’s some EDU (Education) ones we use:
S&M- strokes and maneuvers
R&R- rescues and recoveries
R&B- roll and brace
DT- daytripper
we basically lump all EDU outlines into these core courses.
steve (off to do a morning DT with some S&M practice, too cold to do any R&R or B&R!!!)
What is BWCA?
as in “Wilderness Tripping - BWCA & Beyond”.
Always wondered what that was.
Boundary Waters Canoe Area
No kayaks please.
It's in Minnesota @ the Canadian border.
Thanks, krousmon : )
“River dorks” …
River dorks: Drunken, obscene, obnoxious, morons; typically found on rivers in rental canoes.
SYOYR: See you on the river.
thanks all!
finally i know!