I recently purchased an older Sealution II that is in decent shape and just needed some TLC and some minor repairs.
The straps that hold the hatch covers on need replacing (one was broken when I bought and I just broke another testing it’s strength which has been reduced greatly due to age and UV damage).
Here is a photo of the current method (maybe the photo will post)
Here is the link to the photo
Currently it is simply some black webbing with a plastic buckle along with a small piece that allows you to tighten the strap.
Originally I planned on replacing the entire system with the same thing but I wonder if there is a better way? An easier way?
Honestly, I’d like to just be able to put some shock cord through the eyes if they would hold the lid secure enough. I’m not sure though how it would do with a wave crashing over the boat.
I have also seen those Crosslock’s or X-straps. They seem like they would work in my application. Like these - http://topkayaker.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=18_99&products_id=966
What would you suggest?
I’d like something simple and not to expensive but that will do the job.
You need new strap material, and if
someone here recalls the supplier, you can replace the nylon that’s failing with polyester which does not stretch when wet, and is nearly immune to UV. Another possibility is polypropylene strap that is treated to resist UV.
Nylon is very strong when new, but I haven’t seen nylon treated to resist UV. Black pigmentation of nylon seems to be one way to add UV resistance, but it isn’t indefinitely effective.
Many methods
New polypropylene webbing and Fastek buckles or simply a single length of 5mm polyester line with loop on one end crisscrossing the hatch cover then tying back on itself with slip knotted half hitches. Plastic hooked bungie could work but makes sure there is zero chance of failure. The solid elastomers are good.
Don’t know if your aware
That cover doesn’t have to be watertight. There is supposed to be a neoprene cover on the hatch to keep it watertight and the hard outer cover your messing with just has to keep waves from caving in the neoprene.