Michicraft L-12 Canoe with Transom Mount and Electric Motor

Sorry for the novel and a post that is technically not “paddling”. :grin:

A DIY transom mount/ jackplate for a Michicraft L-12 canoe. It is made of 6061-T6 aluminum. Welded together in two pieces then connected by some bolts. Welded by a friend.

I have a short shaft e-Propulsion Spirit motor but I learned last summer that it was too long for some of the rivers I canoe-camp on here in Illinois and Wisconsin.

I use the motor to go up river to camp, then float back down to the car. (After a decade of using outfitters to drive us up river on the Lower Wisconsin, I grew tired of that process.)

The mount will allow the motor to be raised by 2”, 4” or 6” with a 4” setback. The photos are the 4” setting, which when combined with the lowest tilt places the propeller at the same level of the bottom of the canoe. The 2” option is probably best with a 12ish degree tilt. The 6” will likely not be used or even work.

It is all probably very unnecessarily complicated to find a remote camping spot. :rofl: but they are hard to come by around here!

This summer we (wife, dog and me) plan to hit up the Lower WI, Rock River near Dixon, IL, Turtle-Flambeau Flowage, and a dispersed campsite in Hiawatha Forest on a small lake.

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