I picked this up off of the “WaterTribe” website.
Some of the info about drowning I did not know. Thought I would share this.
An excellent and timely article.
Scary, really makes you think! Reinforces for me everyone in the boat wearing a life jacket while paddling.
Scary … and informative
Thanks for the link. Excellent info I’ve never seen before. I also read the Cold Water Immersion article that was Part One of the link. It also contained beneficial information. I recommend both articles to everybody.
Everyone really should read this, truely excellent info.
Bill H.
Excellent article.
Very informative
This one is worth saving for future reference.
Thanks for the post
Excellent article, I learned something new today.
I can vouch for the not breathing bit
I went over in a canoe when there was ice floating everywhere and I can tell you for the first thirty seconds it was impossible to take a breath. Fortunately for me I was close to shore and managed to walk out.
I think the list of behaviors is great
although it overlaps so much with behavior of people I’ve helped out of cold water who proved not to have been drowning. So the main lesson I can draw from it is, if you can’t elicit a clear response from someone, try to go after them.
As for the previous article on response to cold water, some of us appear not to have it. Maybe most of us. In my experience, it has to do with the degree of mental preparation one has made for diving into cold water. Under-dressed whitewater paddlers have rolled over into cold water in countless instances without any pattern of shutting down.
It is very hard to establish the existence of a “reflex” pattern of drowning behavior or of response to sudden immersion in cold water. I say this with my own Ph.D. in psychology, the science of human behavior. There are certainly things to be investigated here, but much work remains to be done before spraying warnings to countless mothers on Facebook. The main issue is that someone be around who is paying attention and who is willing and able to do something.