Does anyone know if Maine Island Kayak Company will be resuming their normal tour and class schedule this year?
similar to last years?
Last year MIKCO ran a less publicly obvious but no less extensive range of courses as compared to prior years. Give Tom a call (note he’s probalby in FLA now and headed to Baja afterwards) to get a response from them directly.
I guess I’m more interested if they will resume their normal trip schedule. It was dramatically cut back last year.
As far as I’ve heard MIKCo will continue this coming season as last.
They are often late updating their web site, so a phone call and email are the best bets for current status. I suggest both phone and email as Tom is likely away, and using both means of communication, you should at least get response from June or Rhonda.
stick to using the phone
Two e-mail messages of mine have gone unanswered over the past month. I’ve always been told it’s best to use the phone when trying to reach Tom.