Shaholly Ayers is a professional model with a disability who is endorsing adaptive paddling. She was recently featured kayaking on this video by TRS Prosthetics.
Her Facebook fan page is:
Write her a comment and tell her you appreciate her endorsing adaptive paddling. She is a caring person who wants others to attempt things they thought were out of reach.
Anyone else going to the Adaptive Paddlesports Workshop this April in Charleston? It’s right before the East Coast Paddlesports and Outdoor Festival.
I wish someone would
Tell folks how to hold a paddle right side up I think it is even more important for people with such disabilities.
An’ waar a lifevest…
Virtue is its own reward.
I worked in rehabilitation research for 13 years, and I didn’t need any endorsement for what I was doing.
well you’re not her
are you.
Good for her, and thank you for sharing.
That is awesome!
I am glad she is able to get out and enjoy a sport/recreation past time that is so enjoyable for so many people.
TRS Prosthetics’s marketing should pay attention to things like paddle orientation and PFD safety.
PFDs are On Board the Kayak
The video shows them stored behind the paddler. Besides, wearing them would ruin her tan lines…and you don’t see anyone else on the beach, including swimmers wearing them? Why only pick on the kayaker?
Regarding the paddle position, my 230cm Werner San Juan paddle worked better that way when paddling a surfski back in the days when wings were just a novelty.
Main thing is to get these potential paddlers out on the water to enjoy the experience, which is just wonderful.
… of course it would be just a piece of cake for a disabled(!) paddler disorientated by capsize to get rid of an (unleashed) paddle, retrieve the put on the PFD, get the paddle back, catch the boat and climb right in… ><
Time to Change Our Perception
For they are tough athletes that don’t expect to be coddled. Many compete in open ocean races, swimming 2.5 miles through the surf, paddling 8+ miles on prone paddleboards, and doing 32 mile Molokai to Oahu surfski races. I admire their can do mind set and determination to compete, especially when they hit the beach before I do.