Mohawk Canoe has sold....

According to the website, Mohawk has been sold and shipments should start again in the first quarter of 2007.

someone in Florida

– Last Updated: Oct-12-06 10:21 AM EST –

Would someone in Florida please contact Stuart Gonzales at: 423-400-0914 for more details and clue us in?

Edit, sorry 423 is in Eastern Tennesee.

Do a google search on the fon number

– Last Updated: Oct-12-06 11:34 AM EST –

and name. Some interesting things come up like white water sites, paddling things for sale (WW), looking for a car for his neice, etc. Seems to be a little older, white water paddler, ...

Here's looking forward to the spring resumption of Mohawk Canoe Sales!



Great news!
I was hoping they wouldn’t get gobbled up and disbanded. Lets hope they keep that great accessories department.