More good news body wise. Duh!

I’m just getting started on the physical rehab for my heart . It is gentle but increasing exercise focused on heart rate.
I use 2 machines, one that focuses on arms and legs and another that focuses on upper body via arm/ shoulder resistance.
It occurred to me today that all together it is great preparation for paddling.


Not that you would need more motivation towards rehab, but seeing how it relates to helping with paddling prep is all positive. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Thank you. My appetite is back after a month. Now I’ll have to be careful about overeating. For the first time in decades my BMI is where it’s supposed to be. And my strength is returning more every week.


That’s wonderful news, String. Keep getting stronger and stay healthy! :muscle::muscle:

Best of luck Jim
I have been battling cancer and heart problems for the last two years and finally getting some strength back and gaining back some of the thirty pounds that I lost.
Some prayers are coming from us for your on going problems

Jack L


Since I hit Medicare age I’ve wondered about the Silver Sneakers. Instead of the government buying me a gym membership… how about a nice kayak paddle? Bike stuff?

Jack! Sorry about the health problems but good to know you’re improving.

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Thank you Jack. Good to hear you are doing better.

Rex, then you’ll have someone telling you which paddle you need. I’m happier than a tick on a dog with the ones I bought myself, I have it in two sizes and bought one for my sister. In the end, the paddles only cost pennies per mile (or by the hour). I wish the government would buy the ones I no longer like or use. The only involvement I accept from the government is the regulations. I don’t go where they charge to launch.

Hi String,
Rocketing healing vibes to you across the Universe.
I went through cardio rehab last spring. Many people ignore it. I found it to be cathartic in many ways. The physical benefits are obvious, Working with people with similar issues helps and to hear their stories. We had some weight training and once in awhile a psychological person to talk with.

After 13 months I feel pretty normal. Last June we did a river trip in high water on the Klamath River in drift boats. It was tiring but I was able to run some difficult whitewater. Continued recovery to you. Keep moving.


I haven’t done the silver sneakers thing but I do bike and hike and kayak. Looks like the government only wants me to exercise their way. A voucher from the sporting goods places instead of the gym membership would be appreciated. I could see how it could be abused.

I’m supposedly getting a loaded card for over-the-counter health items from my medicare supplement insurer for 2024. I hope folks don’t abuse it and screw it up.

The advantage of the bike, hike, kayak roiye is that the hiking only needs a pair of shoes or some good hiking boots, maybe a compas and some maps. Biking needs an inital investment and regular maintenance. Kayaking involves the cost of the boat and gear. The low end gear can be replaced as involvement increases. Bottom line is that once you’re set up, maintaining it is easy. Biking is the one that can actually get out of hand. Fortunatelt, upgrading and maintenance skills can save money and provide another full time activity. Hiking and Kayaking “can be” relatively inexpensive with a $2,000 initial investment “or less”, depending on where you paddle. My expense was in finding the right groove. Other than seat pads and bungee cords, my boat hasn’t required much. Expenses involved fixing boats for other people.

Any time the government manages a program, the return benefit is probably $1 for every $10 they take in. I put a $3,800 gym system in my basement. My call, and I don’t want to burden anyone with my decision.

If I got a government subsidy, I’d rather get it for beer, wine and whiskey. It doesn’t have to be good, just palatable.

Anyone’s recovery stories are appreciated; starting the new year with chemo here. And every recovery narrative I can get my hands on is good fuel for the coming months. Just when you think that things are pretty dark, you realize that you can experience a little “joy bomb” from someone else’s good news - even from a stranger. I find that encouraging. Thanks to those who have shared such.


As an aside, drinking and heart problems do not go together. I asked my cardiologist what the right number of drinks were. He said “One.”

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Luckily, I gave up drinking many years ago except water and tea.


It’s not the number that’s important, it’s the interval, such as one after the other, than creates the problem.

It’s hard to tease out the confounders with alcohol consumption (a toxin) because moderate drinking often brings a social support network and periods of relaxation. The social determinants of health are often complex.
The French Paradox is fascinating as well.
American women don’t appreciate how much alcohol consumption is linked to breast cancer.

I had just begun kayaking when I discovered I needed cancer treatment. Afterward, I connect with a group of friendly, helpful paddlers who inspired confidence and got me back on the water. (Most of them don’t know this about me, or how much I appreciated them - but hey, if you know who I am, a big, Thank You!) I am now 10 years past treatment, and while I may not be quite as strong or have quite as much endurance as before, a beautiful morning on the water makes me grateful to be alive and glad I got through my treatment. Best wishes to you!