mounting anchor trolley

I need advice on locations for trolley fittings on a ScupperPro. How far forward,aft and any advice on mid fittings. Also, should I mount them on top of gunnel, side of gunnel or side of hull? I haven’t seen any photos of a factory installed system so I have to seek advice.


This may help:

This guy has a good set of pictures of

– Last Updated: Sep-02-07 2:09 AM EST –

his anchor trolley rigging on a Manta Ray, basically the same principle as any SOT. Most use stainless pulleys, Harken is popular.

More anchor trolley rigging
Very good close-ups, the site,, along with both are good for SOT kayak fishing information. Both tend to be more salt water oriented, though the Texas site has a freshwater board that is growing and has some very knowledgeable folk on it.

That’s plenty of advice for me to figure a system that’s right for me. You’ve been a great help.

As I post frequently on the Texas site,
I’m pretty familar with it. The kayakfishingstuff link came from there too. Essentially, I pushed the Easy button.