Hi folks,
I’m the park Patrol guy for Murtle lake in BC’s Wells Gray Provincial Park. Me and my staff look after North Americas’ largest canoe/kayak only lake… 110 kms of yellow sand beaches, 2-10 lbs rainbow trout… epic hikes from the lake, our own volcano hike, old growth cedars and all the mosquitoes you can eat…
my website is www.explorewellsgray.com
we run 1/10th the number of people that Bowron does, so if your looking for a quieter trip, drop me a line and I’ll be more than happy to answer questions
Thanks, that would be the closest to
real wilderness that we’ve seen on this board in a while.
murtle lake
yup its pretty cool that way…
We have Outhouses, fire rings and big ground mount bear caches to help keep things unspoiled, but other than that, it’s undeveloped on purpose- its a nature conservancy, no Pets, no glass, etc.
We have lots of birds too… we get these flocks of loons, over 75 in a group sometimes. 20 plus nexting pairs of Osprey… bald eagles, goldens, Harlequin ducks.