My two granddaughters paddling

They are 10 and 8. Both paddling WS Piccolo’s.


Great picture! Looks like they’re having fun.

Where are the super-soaker squirt guns? out with my grand kids last week and episea and a CD raven

@roym said:
Where are the super-soaker squirt guns? out with my grand kids last week and episea and a CD raven

We had a huge water balloon fight at our house.

Mine are a bit older.

Bilge pumps make pretty good water cannons…

Fantastic. Joys of Geezerhood. Looks like you might need to carve a smaller paddle.

SD, if you are talking about the boy on the left, I am making his GP as we speak.

Not real sure about the mask and snorkle for kayaking. But water balloons it makes some sense.