I will be in Myrtle Beach towards the end of January. Does anyone know of any outfitters or shops that rent canoes and are there any good quiet rives or lakes to paddle nearby? Yes I know it is winter, but to us northerners, any day above 40 is summer.
Canoe rentals in Myrtle Beach area
I live in the area…wonderful opportunities for paddling here.
Try Sailing & Ski Connection-843-626-7245 for your rental needs. Denise is the manager.
For great paddling put-in, try the nearby town of Conway, SC. The Marina is on the Waccamaw river.
Within a half hour drive of Conway you can also paddle the Great Pee Dee, the Little Pee Dee, the Black river, and the Sampit river.
Helpful Info
Thanks for the information Jon. I drove around Conway last year and that looks like a great place. I will call the outfitter you suggested.
Another good and friendly outftter
is in Georgetown , SC, south of Myrtle.Black River Outfitters.I highly recommend the Black River.
Myrtle Beach
I’m from MB too. The Waccamaw is fun. You could also try the salt marshes on the north end of the grand strand new calabash. I just got back from a camping trip there on my canoe a few weeks ago. Be mindful of the tides though.