Name of stove?

A few months ago, I saw a thread (which I cannot locate now) which mentioned an old patented stove which, as I recall, had two chambers-an inner one to cook in and an outer shell for fuel. Believe it was

funnel-shaped. Does anyone know what I’m talking about, or am I hallucinating again?

Is that what is called a “Dutch Oven”?

Dutch Oven
A Dutch Oven is a cast iron pot that is used on open fires or charcoal.

Maybe A Kelly Kettle???
If you just want to boil water, there’s the Kelly Kettle - basically a kettle within a chimney - you can check it out at the Mountain Equipment Co-op website.

Thank you…
…I think it was the Kelly. I didn’t find it on the

MEC online catalog, however.

similar to Kelly kettle but larger. Do a search for their web site. I have one and love it. see review in product reviews on this site.

Kelley Kettle

Wood Stove
I have a folding wood stove left-over from my winter backcountry days. Folded it measures 12x12x2. Standing it,s 12x12x8. Used without stovepipe it can work like a small fireplace. Keeps a pot of coffee warm for hours. Bought it from Cabela’s.