Navarro Canoe Co?

Yesterday, despite a bunged rib, I took the local waterway and had a great time. Tailwind all the way so the ol’ rib didn’t take a beating. So, here I am just enjoying the ride, soaking up the sun, the dawg was in heaven, and I come to a sandbar and see a beeeee-a-utiful canoe! Made my heart go pitter-patter and then I realized it was a Mansfield…or was it?

The couple who owned it were lounging on the sand and I did a quick look. By Gawd, it was the exact same lines, decks, ribs, thwarts as the Mansfield but made by another company. So, has anyone heard of these canoes/company? I more curious than anything, was kinda like seeing a ghost as I had a Mansfield by Stow Canoe and Snowshoe Co at one time!

Thanks for indulging.


Did it look like one of these?

– Last Updated: Jun-28-04 5:20 PM EST – could be the same guy did the work up and design or only subtle changes were made to avoid haveing the same exact boat, a quick name change. A specific way of doing things is sometimes hard to change if it works. Then again look how many canoes share the name "prospector".

That Be the One
NT, That’s the boat. Looks just like the Mansfield down to the decks. The owners said it was Kevlar. A sweet looking ride. Thanks.


Yep, Navarro is related to Merrimack. They were originally built in New Hampshire by LH Beach Sr. the grandfather of the two guys running Navarro and Merrimack. A family seperation occurred and the two moved to Oregon/California and Tennessee to build canoes by nearly the same wood ribbed fiberglass methods.

Interesting history there.


And Merrimack Related to Stowe…

– Last Updated: Jun-28-04 6:39 PM EST –

Had one for years

We had a green Loon 17 until I sold it . It was a terrific boat by any measure – beautiful, light enough for comfortable portages, a joy to paddle. Wherever we went, it attracted attention.

That boat has more joyful memories attached to it than any other, and I’ve been trading boats for 30 years. Just a great ride.