NDK Explorer value estimate

I am looking for an estimate of value on a fiberglass NDK Explorer that is “several years old” a dealer is selling for $3700. I have asked when it was made, but he did not say in his emails. Dealer said the unwrapped kayak is a little shop worn and thinks it has never been in the water. He said it definitely was never used as a demo, loaner, or on any guided tours he runs.

The kayak has the most recent, standard size, 3rd generation seat, the full Kariteck skeg with the cassette style skeg blade, and the forward slider. I will ask again for date.

The value of the boat is variable. It is based on what the buyer is willing to pay for it. You may get some input that its old design or old stock and its only worth half of what a current model year is worth, or others that say its worth nearly new value. You have posted twice on value of two very different kayak designs. I think you need to figure out what type or design of kayak suits your needs first, then you can start worrying about cost. If you paid a cheap price on a kayak you dislike paddling; did you get a good deal after all? As to this question about an old stock kayak that hasn’t been used, I’d expect to pay near new price as the design hasn’t changed and the boat that is sitting in stock did not deteriate by sitting there. The kayak doesn’t have a best before date like a carton of milk.

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I would only consider spending ~$4K on a boat if I knew it was exactly what I wanted. There are far too many modern, quality composite boats on the used market for $800-$1500 to spend major coin when you aren’t sure. I understand the current market is bonkers but there are still good deals to be had if you watch like a hawk and move fast. The Tiderace I bought recently was well within that price range and it’s a fantastic craft in very good condition.

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For comparison:
I ‘watch’ a few craigs occasionally.
These popped up today (Explorer, Romany):
I think price a little high, though, if condition IS excellent, and one really was after an ‘Explorer’, would be worth it.

First you need a year. Second you need to find how much is a new one. Once you buy and paddle it doesn’t matter how long it has sat to others. It will be from the year it was made to your sell date.

This is an extreme case …
I purchased a used Explorer which was disheveled and quite dirty, although stored in a garage. I cleaned it up, added any needed deck lines, and KeelEazy along the full keel. Without the cost of trivial refurbishing, it cost me $600. This is, as said, extreme, but there are some rare used bargains out there.


I don’t know where you’re located, your size, or what you’re looking for, but here are some examples from the classifieds here:

Best time to buy one is when you have one already to paddle. Then you don’t feel the pressure to pull the trigger. That Solstice GT looks same as mine. Great hull. I bought mine in 2010 it was a 2008. I paid 1800 virtually like new I really think the guy used it a few times. Two tiny scratches you had to look for on entire hull. Plus accessories it all added up to 4200 to replace no tax included back then.

Looking for fast, stable, comfortable, good in rough Solstice GT is too ops in my mind.

Give me your 3700 I’ll buy you a fleet.

I agree. You can get a brand new kayak for not much more (example CD Solstice GTS: Current Designs :: Solstice GTS). Also don’t forget that a dealer has to charge you sales tax so you’ll be close to $4000 out of pocket. Realistically you’ll only get half of that if you don’t like it and decide to resell it.

That Explorer only makes sense if it’s your “forever” kayak and you want it right now.

Steveey, The reason I posted on the Nordkapp and the Explorer is both have soft chines and looked the same to me. Thanks to replies here I am finding out they are very different kayaks.

I want a quality, soft-chined kayak. I capsized in 15-knot winds with high, breaking waves. All three of the Maine Guides on the trip said a big factor was the kayak, a 17’ Kevlar Current Design Caribou with hard chines. Through another post here, I learned the main reason for capsizing was the lack of skills for the conditions. I have been kayaking for 7 years and have never capsized before, even in 10-knot winds with 1-foot seas, 15 knots was above my pay grade.

Still, I want to buy a quality soft chined kayak that will perform well and see for myself. I am reluctant to buy a cheap kayak that may not perform well, especially if I don’t know anything about the brand. I am more familiar with NDK, Wilderness Systems, and Current Designs.

You capsized because you didn’t keep your hips loose. And your nose over your bellybutton.


Solstice GT great boat many around. Will fit you better than GTS I think if I remember correctly. 2000 grit paper makes most hulls look like new.

1 foot seas exhale lean tad forward and relax pretty much any decent hull should float over them. Caribou which I didn’t like when I tried for comfort is a capable hull

Yes, that, and I was distracted by picking the lint out of my belly button! Ha, ha!

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I would have to agree that your capsize was more likely do to lack of experience paddling in those conditions than from being in the Caribou ( which is a very capable boat). My guess as to why the guides were blaming the boat, was to keep your confidence level up while you were still out paddling.
There is a big difference in you being out in one foot seas vrs being out in breaking waves. Most paddlers will shy away from breaking waves because that is where the carnage happens.

Paddle, The NDK Explorer is a 2009 model, 12 years old and much older than “several” years. Will look on the NDK website to figure out what changes have been made in 12 years. Any guess on value?

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Steveey, the NDK Explorer is a 2009 model. Even though it has been kicking around the warehouse, unused, for 12 years and hasn’t deteriorated, does that change the value equation? I will look on the NDK website to figure out what design/material changes have been made in 12years.

The 17’ Kevlar Current Designs Caribou S I have was five years old when I bought it. If in excellent condition is would have been worth about $2,500. However it had a 1" hole on the edge of the hard chine where the kayak hit something hard and popped back out. Not a bad repair. I paid $1,000 and fixed it with $20 worth of fiberglass and resin. Deals like this, and yours, don’t come along often but it’s nice when they do.

My option not worth near that 3700 being 12 years old. Most say CD composite kayaks are about 4,000 brand new now you can’t justify paying 3700 for a 12 year old hull. Most things say cars or heavy equipment I look at drop to 50% on 7-8 years. The hull he’s selling was probably less than 3700 new 12 years ago. The day after you buy it it’s a used 12 year old boat. Tell him knock 2000 off and you’ll think about it.

I like a CD Extreme say it’s 4000 new now even though is has been discontinued. Now do I buy used for 680-900 like I did for a few or 4,000 for new plus tax. Are a few scratches you can’t see from 8 feet worth not worth 3100 in my bank?

900 dollar hull. Don’t mind me butchering the name.


900 for Extreme

680 for white extreme Extreme

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