I’m looking for plans or kits for a canoe storage shed that can accomodate up to four canoes at least 18.5 ft/5.7 m long or longer. I’d like to have access to the wider side but slide in designs from the narrow end would be considered.
pole garages
I don;t know if you have them up there but you can buy a shelter made of poles with welded corners. 2 corners & 1 peak per half-section.
You make them as wide and long as necessary, then cover with tarp.
I got a frame form an out-of-business antique store for $40, cut the lengths to sizer and built it on my yard with tarps for a cover.
Hi…1st i would like to advise you stay away from the type of storage tents that use the plastic tarps and aluminum frames…they only serve for a very short time B4 the plastic tarps dry-rot , typically less than 1 year, I had one once and it barely lasted a year. they are not worth the money. large lumber stores typically have book with plans for sheds. quickest, easiest shed is a 2x4 studded wall…4x4 floor joist frame w/ plywood floor and a slant shed roof. the link is for a reference only,with 2x4 and 4x4 construction , you can build the shed to the size you want.
84 Lumber…
has shed kits, and they work out very nicely.
I get pretty cheap when it comes to a 'yak shak, but I don’t have snow loads to consider. I build a frame of pressure treated 2x4’s and top it with corrugated fiberglass or aluminum panels.
If you have a source that sells aluminum porches, or carports, ask about their leftovers and scraps.
Have fun with it.
Snow loads…
I’m looking for something a bit more permanent and sturdy. Heavy snow and ice can easily topple a lightweight shed. Thanks for the idea, though!
Great link…
Thanks for the link! I sketched a rough drawing of what I would like to build and the construction tips from that website are giving me ideas on how to design and build my own shed.
Nothing in my area…
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately there isn’t a store nearby. I did check out some of the sheds available and see how inexpensive materials can be used for construction. I would probably beef up the design though to handle snow loads.
You might check local building codes.
Accessory structures over a certain square footage may require permits/inspection and may effect insurance in the event of loss and even your property taxes.
More plans to look at
I’ve built several pole barns but I don’t have to worry about load, just lift.
I figured I’d have to apply for a permit. Luckily a neighbor is currently applying for a permit for a much larger storage shed. Let them get the process all worked out ahead of me.
Some Quonset hut
shaped pole sheds last far longer than a year. They do a better job of shedding snow than a simple pitched roof.
Because boat storage is expensive and the lakes freeze the pole shed is everywhere in Maine.
Some are cheap and flimsy. My neighbor has a strong one with thick fabric that is in its 10th year. Its kinda dark inside though.
We are way below normall with snow… Usually we get 150-200 inches.
That said we have a boathouse that we built out of simple garage plans. Its got some 16 boats.
There was a time two months ago, when I’ve decided to look for and choose a shed kit for my brother, like making a present. I have bought Lifetime 6446 shed kit ( from these kits: https://bestyardproducts.com/best-shed-kits/ ) because it’s really reliable shed kit, and it has various shelves enough to store different things, whatever you want.
Down here in Texas, we’ve got 4x4 uprights in concrete, 2x4s for hanging walls and roof, which are corregated galvanized steel sheets - floor is optional (roof slants towards the back).
Sadly, I have no idea what snow is, so can’t say anything about that…
Seriously though, a lot of online “sheds” are WAY too elaborate. Whether you use poles or posts, a simple frame with 3 1/2 walls and a sloped roof makes a great home for outdoor tools, lawnmowers, and kayaks/canoes - on a working-man’s budget and simple enough for someone like me to build.
Don’t get me wrong - I also have a 18x25 metal building on a slab, finished out like my house, but for storage of my kayaks, mowers, and outdoor tools - a simple shed is fine.
I built this rack, it can hold 7 boats. In the photo, the tarp blew off. Longest boat I have is 19’, it’s not in the photo.
Andy_Szymczak, is it totally ok in Winter season? I do prefer something more solid and reliable for any weather, like Keter Factor shed kit. I found it on this best shed kit website where they offer you dozens of different shed kits to compare, with all the specifications, you know.
I’m having built something considerably more ambitious, a 32’ x 20’ pre-fab steel building: it will have two garage spaces with overhead coiling doors and a 12’ x 20’ kayak and canoe storage area and workshop. But the company, Carolina Carports, makes steel buildings of all sizes and they are substantially cheaper than the same structures from Lowes or Home Depot (I did a LOT of price and quality comparisons). The price includes delivery and set up in virtually any state. The size I am getting, which looks like the shot below but with a couple more windows, was only around $9,500 with tax. I calculated it was even cheaper than having a garage that size stick built. One the size that you need would be proportionally much less, maybe $3,000 for a 12’ x 21’ fully enclosed or around $1,200 for an open “car port” type that size.
Andy’s rack would look nice with a pole barn over it. You can also put sides on the PB. I’m building a small one for the lawn mower during garage construction.