Need local info on Savannah

My boat and I will be passing through with the option to stay a day or two around Sept 27. I’ve paddled there before but not for a while. I was considering doing a circumnavigation of either Cabbage Island (leaving from Priest’s Landing or what looks like a little ramp a hair north of that, going on the south side of the island in Wassaw Sound and then around the backside on Tybee cut) or Little Tybee. High Tide will be pretty early (like around 3 AM / 4 PM I think) which is kind of the opposite of what I suspect might be ideal. Anyway, I suspect that the Cabbage Island (compared to Tybee) trip might be easier if I were entering or exiting the mouth of the river at low tide insofar as the beachfront of Cabbage Island looks more protected from the ocean. My chart suggests that both Tybee Creek and Tybee Cut, for the 2 different trips, are passable at maximum low. Is that right? Any particular challenges I should be aware of. I’m wondering in particular about what to expect if I did the Little Tybee circumnavigation when I round the southwest side of the island (coming into or exiting Wassaw Sound) and if there is a particular point of the tidal cycle I should aim for or avoid. I’m a very experienced paddler but mostly estuaries and similarly low-energy environments. I don’t mind waves or low-energy beach stuff but don’t want to get caught in anything too hairy. Also wondering about vehicle security at the little ramp just north of Priest’s Landing. I could do Priest’s Landing Marina if they allow out-of-town visitors to launch there and return after closing (I see they close at 5). Thanks for any input.

Suggest contact Kathryn at

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I don’t know if Georgia Sea Kayaks still operates, but Marsha and Ronnie (the owners) would be good people to ask for local info. They were in the town of Tybee.