Need to do a small hole repair in my Chota Caney Fork Knee High wading boots that I use in cold water when getting in and out at take-outs and portages

Has anybody repaired neoprene booties or goretex socks? I need suggestions for best product for pinhole repair.

Pinhole repairs can probably be sealed with a dab of Aquaseal. Ive used lots on neoprene. Should work on Goretex, but there is also Goretex tape or patches that may be more appropriate.

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is this the product you are referring to?

There are lots of little variations of Gear Aid brand Aquaseal. Not sure what the +FD version does. Should work. Or you could go with the one listed as +UV.

For neoprene, there are also neoprene cements which would work ( : neoprene cement). I don’t think they are any cheaper than the small bottle of Aquaseal, so if this is all you are going you might want to stick to Aquaseal.

After using the Aquaseal, f you won’t need for a while, close the tube and store in your freezer. You can defrost, use, and refreeze a few times before it won’t work any more.

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Thanks so much. Although the UV edition is more instantaneous, I ordered the +FD product. It will allow me more adjustment and clamping time. Since it works on both neoprene and gortex, it sounds like the perfect product for the repairs I need!

If these are open top boots, I do not recommend using them while kayaking or canoeing, especially in cold water. Unless these boots seal extremely well seal at the top, the weight of filled boots can make a rescue or swimming very difficult. When kayaking in cold water and wearing a dry suit with built in booties, I just wear water shoes. With a wetsuit in moderately cold water I’d be wearing just ankle length neoprene boots, although having a drysuit I do not wear a wetsuit any longer.

In warm water reasonably near shore, wading boots are less of a safety issue. With calf high Chotas, it’s not that uncommon that I get some water in one of them, but I’ve never capsized in deep open water with them. Something I’ll think about. Might not be a good choice when paddling solo.

Thank you for the safety reminder! I really appreciate the emphasis on safety that is a continuous and needed part of any water sport. I do wear knee high “waders” with a cinch top below the knee on the gortex/neoprene sock. I very seldom canoe alone as I often lead small groups of two or three canoes. Hiking boots make swimming a challenge too. I find running shoes provide less ankle support than I want when carrying the canoe or the packs. The Chotas provide support and foot protection when portaging and keep my feet dry (so they don’t blister!). The swimming with boots has always concerned me. But I think this could be a separate discussion!