I am thinking about investing in a pair of Neoprene booties to kayak in. I have a sit on top, and live in the SF bay area of California, it can get cold fast, does anyone have any suggestions on brand? Thanks
Check out surf booties and NRS
If you are going to be wearing a wet suit, surf booties work fine. Oneil makes good quality ones that last a long time. Also NRS has lots of reasonably priced footwear you buy online.
high or low?
I have a pair of Deep See hard-soled neoprene booties I like a lot. But for most kayaking I prefer my Kokatat Nomad high boots which have a similar lower boot but have a breathable shaft that goes up to my knees. The one drawback of shortie boots is that they will fill with water when you wade out to launch. Though the neoprene will keep your feet warm, the water will slosh around. The high boots keep the water out in most situations.
Of course, you can get the shorties for $30 or $40 at most dive shops and the Kokatats are $130, so cost is a factor.
Kayak booties
I love NRS booties