nest key camping

well fyi the offical word is camp site is closed ufn.i am going to day trip this weekend in fla bay.i am going to paddle out to nest key fri or sat and have a good look around.

I thought Grayhawk and company overnighted there last month?

We were also planning an overnighter there in a few weeks.

Did you get that from the NPS?

I don’t know what your time frame is but if you want to drive way down the Keys I can direct you to one that you could probably overnight on called “Tarpon Belly Keys”

You will need charts to find it though, or if you are interested, I might be able to give you some directions.



We went out there for a “looksee” but didn’t stay there. We have been camping on the west coast and sites out of Everglades City are open.

Oops, sorry !
another senior moment!

I thought you had camped there.



word from nps
i spoke with a ranger at the main park # he said ufn it is closed. the guys at fbo said the toilets are gone but thats pretty much the extent of the damage i will give you a report when i get back ,thanks for the offer on the other site .i am going to stay with friends and just day trip