New kayak purchase?

I was going to buy a NEW kayak that’s in stock. They wanted 50% non-refundable deposit which is 3300. I don’t get delivery till beginning of the next year. So then that leaves me with no recourse if the kayak flies off truck, company closes up, owner gets in fight with grizzly bear and loses, or what ever.

Credit card grievance has to be filed in 60 days so I’d be as they say " I’d be up a creek with no paddle".

Thoughts or what have you done?


That is in line with what we did, buying two new kayaks. 50% deposit. Delivery about 7 months later. Worked fine for us. River Connection.

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Who’s the maker?]

If it’s a person or company who has a long standing reputation for great kayaks and service it would be different then if it was not someone without such a long reputation.

Not that the new kid on the block can’t be as good or even better then the old makers but such a company or person needs to understand they are demanding a level of respect and trust that is as of yet unearned.
And if the kayak is IN STOCK what’s the reason they want to make you wait? That doesn’t seem right.
What gives?


I am confused - if it is in stock, why are you not putting 100% down and taking it home same day?


shipping cost KAS consolidated with a bunch of others 1000 USD arrival after New Years. Shipped separate 1800 +

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no matter what, things in life happen to the nicest people and companies. Got stuck once before on a different thing. It’s not a special order kayak they have it. I placed 100 deposit figuring to work out the terms. Then they said someone else wanted it so i said sell it to them.

Don’t care if I can get it before 60 day credit card window runs out.

Current Designs just went bye-bye anything can happen. I doubt anyone got hurt by CD but it shows you how things change.


Agree with your concerns.


In stock is obviously BS. No company cares about your deposit when the file for bankruptcy of drvides its time to clise the doors. I’d drive there to pick it up out of stock before I paid 50% to wait. I love a road trip, and test it along the way as you drive home. That’s just what I’d do.


Ok, your explanation makes sense about shipping. Not sure where thst tag came from on my last post. Id still make a road trip. I love having s reason to drive cross country. You have boat so you clearly want this one. Go for it. The

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6200 miles :scream::flushed: 2000+ for fuel

it would be nice but not happening :wink:


$1800 for shipping? Shipping on my Epic 18X from North Carolina to Michigan was $250 delivered to my driveway by semi truck (Old Dominion) in 2019.

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yes that was the quote. if they ship it in a freight truck they have to crate it up. KAS It’s wrapped in plastic on a trailer with kayak racks. Shipping has gone through the roof due to fuel prices. Look at everything you buy it’s sky high mainly because of fuel which has nearly doubled. Hull is about 100 lb. and 22 ’ also.

Yep, inflation plus your mileage is way greater plus customs. Mine arrived in a cardboard box. Driver was very curious what it was, like how could anything that large weigh so little?

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Seaward drives into USA then gives KAS hulls to avoid customs.

Want me to pick it up. I’ll give me a reason to stop and vist Steve in Wyoming.


John If he can wait until next spring you could test that kayak for him, OR if you left right away you could too. But I expect the freeze to 'harden" the water soon here. So far so good but when it turns cold it’s probably going to happen fast. Here most years the water gets cold enough to need a thick wet suit and pogies and within about 1 week after that, it’s ice.

Just 3 days ago I got both the DC solar electric well pump AND the wind mill working, so now I could have visitors again. For the last year I have been hauling water, and it’s a bit crass to tell folks they can’t get a real shower here for that time.

We have been "showering’ with a pot of water heating on either the kitchen stove or the wood stove, and pour it over ourselves with a coffee cup. It’s been 11 months, but we FINALLY have running water again. But a long haul, but we got it done. Tomorrow I cope in the cut-outs to take the new well pipe on my well pit covers and also build the decks on the windmill tower, but when those 2 things are done we should be OK for many years.
I have 6 cords of wood to cut up before the snows get here too, so I am going 100 MPH getting ready for winter, but I think I am going to make it ok this year. First snow it being called for tonight. Supposed to get here at 11:00PM and it’s past that time right now, but so far I see nothing white falling. Maybe it will hold off a bit longer.

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Hey PD52,
“Current Designs just went bye-bye anything can happen”.
Can you elaborate or share a link? I’m playing catch-up (I bet others are too).

I know that you have been a proponent of CD boats for a long time. I own a Prana.

Thank you.

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Doing more paddling than surfing recently but catching up now. Looks like the brand is staying in Winona and is now owned by Sanborn Canoe Co?

Still catching up…

another thread here about CD but you know most of it.