New light canoe needed

I recently purchased a esquif mallard square stern

canoe to use for fishing and cartop on a suv.I have used it one time and find it to be a little

heavy for one person,so i’m thinking of selling

the canoe but wonder what to replace it with in

the same length(12’)and lighter than the supposed

45lbs?I’ve looked at the scott lil canoe at 40

lbs,are there others reasonably priced?

You might try
the Old Town Pack. 12’ long and 33 lbs. It has a 450 pound capacity. I can toss it over my shoulder to portage down to the put in or over obstacles. Nice little canoe for gunkhole exploring and fishing.

Wenonah Vagabond
I got one this past summer, and recommend it.

I find it more stable than the pack.

Mine is Royalex at 42 lbs. LOA is 14’6".

Check out Mohawk
Canoes. The Solo 13 and 14 are great boats for your purpose and are made in Royalex Lite and are in the 35-40 lb range.

Very Few 12’ Canoes Available
I too, thought of the OT Pack canoe. I “Second” the Mohawk. I haven’t paddled the Solo 13, but own a Solo 14. Only 38 or 39 lbs in royalex light. Nice boat if there’s not a problem with expanding to a 14’ boat. WW

One problem ,the mallard is for more than one person,in fact the 2004 and newer model has

three seats,the center being a yoke combo.

I need a canoe for two.

How about a Nesmuck XL. Hemlock has a demo listed on their site.

Wenonah Sandpiper
It’s 13’6" & 39 lbs. in royalex. My friend has one & likes it alot. I paddled it & was impressed, considering the cost & all. Might want to consider it if you can find one to try. You could go alot lighter if you we’re willing to spend more for a composite boat. Maybe you can find a nice, used composite boat at a decent price. Keep your eyes open…just have to get lucky & be in the right place at the right time. Good deals are out there. Other than that, you could send an email to Barry Bonds & ask him how to pack on 40lbs. of muscle over the winter. Not sure how accommodating he’d be though. Good luck.

How To Bulk Up Over the Winter…
…by Barry Bonds (LOL)! Thanks for the laugh Eagleii! The Wenonah Vagabond is a little bigger than the Sandpiper, and is a nice solo paddle. I believe someone mentioned it, already, but I also like that boat. I’d suggest the Sandpiper for smaller paddler, Vagabond for 200 pounders or fishing. WW

Where are you located?
There was a new Vagabond at Oak Orchard Canoe near Rochester NY for $650 three weeks ago.

I agree the Vagabond is also nice. The only problem being, it’s pretty close in weight to what he already has, so his problem really isn’t being solved. Think he’s gonna be pretty limited as far as weight saving in a royalex boat. That’s why I suggested buying used in a composite layup. My pipsqueak female friend doesn’t have any problem lifting her royalex Sandpiper, so it may work for him. Although I don’t know how it would be to fish from.

Not cheap but light 12 footer

– Last Updated: Dec-24-04 5:02 PM EST –

Ain't cheap, not a square stern, but plenty of friends fish out of them. Not for everyone but light, way light, 17 lbs. He has different models for differing needs.

light canoe for fishing
the keywords being fishing and light,my personal choice is the radisson/sportspal’s a great fishing platform,carry it anywhere,and still bring along a friend.

How small, how light ?
Hemlock has a used Nessmuck in good condition for 595.00 would you believe 18 lbs.

Light canoe for two
Remember my post ,i need it for two people

not solo around 12’.

A 12’ tandem? Do not know of any really.

– Last Updated: Jan-04-05 6:59 PM EST –

I do not know of any real canoes that are 12' tandems. The responses above seem to confirm that. The only good 12' tandems I know of are Punt Boats, John Boats, and such. (Poke Boats?)

There are a lot of real good 14' tandems and maybe even a 13' or two. Look to the white water canoes as they are made both short for maneuverability and high volume for buoyancy. Most will be stable as well.

Happy Paddl'n!

