New (or Old) Name for Hand of God Rescue?

Roll may trigger “persons who generate a personal gravitational pull”
Indigenous Circumpolar Peoples Comeuppance ?

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And I thought winter was over.

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Jimbo here, it’s clear to me that since God is the offending word, we should call it a Baptismal rescue.

Surprised…haven’t heard the YOH yet {Your only Hope}

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Just to clear up, “Allah is the standard Arabic word for God and is used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews as well as by Muslims.” -From Brittanica and pretty much everywhere on the Internet.

The word is prophet, not profit. Muhammad was a prophet, just like Daniel, Ezekiel, Jacob, John, Paul, Hosea, etc. etc. but not Allah. Geez.

The country was not founded solely as a Christian nation. At its founding including native people and immigrants there was a wide variety of religions represented, many of which were actually tolerated better back then, than in some quarters today.

While God is referenced in the Declaration of Independence it was done so as a rationale to supersede British basis of rule, “Divine Right of Kings.” Reference to God is conspicuously and intentionally absent from the Constitution.


Since we are talking boats, and a jib is on a boat and should be on top, The rescue could be called the “Fliperty-jib-it”

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Serious: How about “Helping Hand” for the name?

Humorous: Hand of Cthulhu, maybe? :slight_smile:

Lamentably, I think everyone has become far too touchy. I guess this comes along with being “woke” . Since most of the paddlers I know are "real people " and are mature enough to transcend this sort of nonsense, I was under the mistaken impression that our community was not yet being oppressed by this sort of garbage. I am a Christian and do not believe it appropriate to take the Lord’s name in vain, but calling this rescue "the Hand of God Rescue " does not constitute taking God’s name in vain.
Some people need to put on their big boy pants ! Ooops! I just offended someone !!!
Excuuuuuse me! “Big person pants” Oh nooooo ! What if a little person is reading this??? What do pants imply??
“Mature person garment” Puuullleeease!


I do like fliperty-jib-it. You may raise some eyebrows in the pub pronouncing “Jo’s beer is on me. Jo fliperty-jib-itted me this afternoon!”

“Before I even start, if your immediate response to this question/comment is to tell me not to be so “PC,” that’s not helpful, and I’d encourage a little self restraint.”

There is definitely a connection between this topic and that of the toilet paper…

I like YOH. Another possibility: YOLO. You Only Live Once.

Yeet of God???

They say everything occurs in cycles. I fervently hope that’s true because I can’t wait for this ridiculous one to be over. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that what will be required to get this wheel to turn will be something truly awful, like a world war. Because what’s really causing this silliness is an almost complete lack of anything meaningful to do with our lives anymore.

If you find yourself walking around looking for reasons to be offended (“offense collectors” is a term I recently heard), please find a mirror and take a good long look. Creating problems for the sole purpose of solving them is the most worthless use of a human life imaginable.


I am easily offended by people who are easily offended.

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@pblanc Your comment offends me

keeping it real, I tried a H.O.G. on a buddy of mine at the takeout on sunday, he ended up swimming. I had a hard time getting my hand on anything to tug up on and having my own boat sliding around made things difficult. Pushing down and willingness to commit weren’t the issue. I switched to the T rescue but he pulled the skirt (leaky noseplugs). So I need to practice more.

I have never found it easy to do unless the paddler being rescued tucks tightly to the front deck and sometimes not even then.

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Anyone offended by the term “God” can go pound sand.


While I’m not religious now, I was raised Christian. From all the churches, congregations, teachings and biblical study, I can’t recall any time when that response would have been uttered or considered Christian or Godly.

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Anyone offended by what another person gets offended by can go pound sand.

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