New paddle, old kayak

As you might have seen, I was out kayak fishing in my (late) brother-in-law’s old Cayman 124 SOT fishing kayak. My sister took this photo of me, as I was changing lures.

Anyway, seen in the photo, is the old, original, standard paddle by Chute. The inside connecting tube & push button, is starting to come loose! D’oh… So, I stopped into Cabela’s and asked about it. They recommended an upgrade, and a true dedicated fishing kayak paddle. So, this new Ascend Tournament 240cm fishing kayak paddle ended up coming home with me! :sunglasses:

What makes a paddle a dedicated fishing paddle except for advertising?

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See the little cut outs near the end of each blade? They are helpful in retrieving lures stuck out of reach.


…and the fish measurement ruler in inches, all along the entire shaft.

Bingo on the ruler, my eyes didn’t make that out.

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