New Recruit Needs Name

I think great names would be Paddle. Or Canoe. Or Bow-sie!

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Maddie for Madammoiselle.

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She is German after all …
maybe Maedie for Mädchen

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My brother’s energetic and personable young female pup (a rescue foundling of indeterminate origins, probably some black Lab and pit bull in there) is Maisie.

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We settled on Maeve.

Thank you all for the great suggestions.

Thunder was a last-minute contender; she’s starting to get over her shyness and she sounds like a drumroll when she runs.


Hooray for Maeve and her new family!

We can all use happy stories, and this is a great one.

Thanks for sharing it.

I have a funny dog name story. We had our current pup and we traveled to Lake Bled, Slovenia. The owner overheard me call him Luca and smiled brightly and asked “after Luka Doncic!!!” (Dallas Mavericks)
So my husband and I looked at each other and said “YES!” And then he upgraded us to their best suite. So now we look up a country’s most famous sports star and call him that in the reception.

So now he is Luka with a k.


I can use a funny dog name story. Turns out that we haven’t decided on a name yet and the process (not making a decision) is a bit painful for me. As of this morning I think we’ve agreed on a name but I won’t report until I’m sure. I’m cautiously optimistic.

If it was a male I’d push for Matteo…love that name.

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My wife named our puppy, sort of. I changed the name a bit.

My neighbors used to have a dog named “River,” so named because they found her in a river.

River was a top contender

Well we ended up calling her Gracie and she has a tag so it’s official.

She’s come a long way in getting more comfortable and showing her personality but also has a long way to go. When we first got her she would not even approach her food bowl if anyone else was nearby, then she’d sneak up and grab one bite and run away. She still won’t take a treat from my hand but she’ll eat with someone in the room as long as they aren’t watching.

And she’s started playing with toys a little bit but we haven’t figured out the games we like yet. She loves her little squeaky bear.

Thanks again for all the great ideas for names, all of your input was considered.


Here are a few of my previous dog names, Poncho, Blue, Cisco, Snuffy, Chelan as in the Lake, Bonnie, Beaudreux, Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, Ruby Begonia, Zoey and Monte.

We always give them extra names. Monte has become the Monte Lama because he has Buddha Nature. Zoey is Zoey Won Kanobe because she is all knowing.

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I’m late to this post. But Gracie(ala Burns and Allen) sounds better than what first poped into my head: Boxed Treat! "Here B.T., here girl!":wink::+1::v:

I often use the pet name Monkey on dogs when they are being good. Gracie is still revealing her personality.

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Like all dogs (and Gracie Allen) she’ll definitely make you smile. She pulls like a little 14 pound locomotive on the leash and if she sees a squirrel (even far away) she goes bananas and just runs in place. Maybe we won’t have to trim her nails.